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Can someone help me with this compliance issue?

Our product was caught by Amazon as a children's sleepwear product. We submitted a test report that met the requirements and product pictures of the product with a children's label, but it was rejected all the time. The reply was the same every time, telling us that the product did not have a combustion test report and the product must meet the standard of tight sleepwear. This product of ours has more than a dozen SKUs with variant relationships, all of which have passed the review and the recovery page is now for sale, why has this sku not been approved by us? Our certification materials are the same, as are the real pictures of children's products. Why has this been unable to pass the audit? And we told Amazon to help us check why this happened, but the reply was always the same, they were like a robot that kept sending the same reply over and over again. Can someone help me out? case ID is15830557241。We have delayed for too long, and the hot selling season of the product has arrived. We have prepared a lot of inventory of this product. If we do not open the sales, our product sales will be seriously affected.

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Can someone help me with this compliance issue?

Our product was caught by Amazon as a children's sleepwear product. We submitted a test report that met the requirements and product pictures of the product with a children's label, but it was rejected all the time. The reply was the same every time, telling us that the product did not have a combustion test report and the product must meet the standard of tight sleepwear. This product of ours has more than a dozen SKUs with variant relationships, all of which have passed the review and the recovery page is now for sale, why has this sku not been approved by us? Our certification materials are the same, as are the real pictures of children's products. Why has this been unable to pass the audit? And we told Amazon to help us check why this happened, but the reply was always the same, they were like a robot that kept sending the same reply over and over again. Can someone help me out? case ID is15830557241。We have delayed for too long, and the hot selling season of the product has arrived. We have prepared a lot of inventory of this product. If we do not open the sales, our product sales will be seriously affected.

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Hello @Seller_MIFPbLWCbRr2x,

Thanks for posting to the Forums. I've gone ahead and contacted my partner team and requested their assistance with reviewing this issue. I'll follow up as soon as I hear back from the team.


- Manny

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Can someone help me with this compliance issue?

Our product was caught by Amazon as a children's sleepwear product. We submitted a test report that met the requirements and product pictures of the product with a children's label, but it was rejected all the time. The reply was the same every time, telling us that the product did not have a combustion test report and the product must meet the standard of tight sleepwear. This product of ours has more than a dozen SKUs with variant relationships, all of which have passed the review and the recovery page is now for sale, why has this sku not been approved by us? Our certification materials are the same, as are the real pictures of children's products. Why has this been unable to pass the audit? And we told Amazon to help us check why this happened, but the reply was always the same, they were like a robot that kept sending the same reply over and over again. Can someone help me out? case ID is15830557241。We have delayed for too long, and the hot selling season of the product has arrived. We have prepared a lot of inventory of this product. If we do not open the sales, our product sales will be seriously affected.

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Can someone help me with this compliance issue?

Our product was caught by Amazon as a children's sleepwear product. We submitted a test report that met the requirements and product pictures of the product with a children's label, but it was rejected all the time. The reply was the same every time, telling us that the product did not have a combustion test report and the product must meet the standard of tight sleepwear. This product of ours has more than a dozen SKUs with variant relationships, all of which have passed the review and the recovery page is now for sale, why has this sku not been approved by us? Our certification materials are the same, as are the real pictures of children's products. Why has this been unable to pass the audit? And we told Amazon to help us check why this happened, but the reply was always the same, they were like a robot that kept sending the same reply over and over again. Can someone help me out? case ID is15830557241。We have delayed for too long, and the hot selling season of the product has arrived. We have prepared a lot of inventory of this product. If we do not open the sales, our product sales will be seriously affected.

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Can someone help me with this compliance issue?

by Seller_MIFPbLWCbRr2x

Our product was caught by Amazon as a children's sleepwear product. We submitted a test report that met the requirements and product pictures of the product with a children's label, but it was rejected all the time. The reply was the same every time, telling us that the product did not have a combustion test report and the product must meet the standard of tight sleepwear. This product of ours has more than a dozen SKUs with variant relationships, all of which have passed the review and the recovery page is now for sale, why has this sku not been approved by us? Our certification materials are the same, as are the real pictures of children's products. Why has this been unable to pass the audit? And we told Amazon to help us check why this happened, but the reply was always the same, they were like a robot that kept sending the same reply over and over again. Can someone help me out? case ID is15830557241。We have delayed for too long, and the hot selling season of the product has arrived. We have prepared a lot of inventory of this product. If we do not open the sales, our product sales will be seriously affected.

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Hello @Seller_MIFPbLWCbRr2x,

Thanks for posting to the Forums. I've gone ahead and contacted my partner team and requested their assistance with reviewing this issue. I'll follow up as soon as I hear back from the team.


- Manny

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Hello @Seller_MIFPbLWCbRr2x,

Thanks for posting to the Forums. I've gone ahead and contacted my partner team and requested their assistance with reviewing this issue. I'll follow up as soon as I hear back from the team.


- Manny

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Hello @Seller_MIFPbLWCbRr2x,

Thanks for posting to the Forums. I've gone ahead and contacted my partner team and requested their assistance with reviewing this issue. I'll follow up as soon as I hear back from the team.


- Manny

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