Hey everyone,
I started to ship units out to FBA as I’m starting to ramp up selling, but I’m noticing that my units are still in FC Transfer after 2 weeks. I have 10+ different ASINs and none are FBA available yet. Other sellers I’ve asked said it takes 1-2 weeks to be available but I have yet seen this for me. How can I expedite my units to become FBA available?
I wonder how people are so consistent with sending in units if it’s unpredictable when they go live.
NOBODY can speed up the receiving process. No seller support, no mod. It's fully automated. And two weeks is really nothing, that's just normal. As soon as you see the units "Reserved" in your "Manage Inventory" they show up in the catalogue and can be ordered by customers.
It is NOT unpredictable. You have to count 4 weeks from "Delivered" to "Available". Knowing this you can plan accordingly.