Read onlyIs it better to use existing listings to manage variants of a product(s) or is it better to create new listings "with" the parent creation?
Hi @Seller_LTNvvFJ2jqJOv,
From a technical standpoint, both approaches will achieve the same end result. If you're using Flat Files to create or edit your listings, you have two options:
If you're not familiar with Flat Files and prefer using the web interface, it's generally easier to create the parent and child products all at once.
Kind regards, Michael
Hello @Seller_LTNvvFJ2jqJOv.
Thanks for reaching out. I understand you have some questions around creating variations. You may find this post that we created around variations helpful.
If you have issues creating variations, please reach out to Seller Support and provide the ASIN's you are trying to variate as well as how you are trying to create them. If you still have issues after contacting them, please provide the case ID and we will be happy to look into it further for you.