Read onlyAmazon changed my account into inactive. I am trying to reactivate it but when I press on the REACTIVE ACCOUNT link in ACCOUNT OVERVIEW, it brings me to "inactive account" page. When I click on HELP I get the "inactive account" page. When I click on SELLER SUPPORT I get the "inactive account" page. I cannot get anywhere to upload ID documents. Please help. I have received an order that I need to fulfill.
This EXACT same thing is happening to me and I cannot find an answer or any solution. I just sent my first shipment of product to FBA and I need to check the status and get my store going but I can't access anything on the site, only rerouted to the inactive account page every time. Does ANYONE know how to get around this or contact seller support since I can't access help pages or my cases management page either??!!
I have the same exact problem right now.
I also cannot get passed the charge methods page. It doesn't give me any option to verify the card, and also does not take me anywhere to confirm my ID.
Im having same issue...need help please
I am having the same problem. Email states I need to submit documents but when I log into Seller Central, I have limited access. I click on reactivate account and am directed to change payment method. The payment method on file was just charged the monthly $39.99 fee, the card is active. I am not able to move past this screen. When I click on Help, I am redirected to my account is inactive. How do I request assistance?
To all who have the same problem. I couldn't find an email or a phone number. Then I called Amazon but they can only help with orders. Phone support for sellers no longer exist, which I find outrageous! Anyhow, Amazon operates a FaceBook account called "Sell on Amazon". I messaged them on FB and got through to people who helped and looked into my account. Ultimately I received an email with a link to submit documents and managed to reactivate the account.
Update: Messaged the Sell on Amazon Facebook like OP said, and I was given a link to submit a help request. Now Amazon has created a service ticket for my issue & account.
Original: Currently having all the exact same issues, and trying to figure out some way to contact amazon to get the direct link to re-verify my ID & documents.
My name is Sandy from the Community manager team. Thank you for your post here.
We have seen other sellers posting similar topics and made updates on this main post.
If you are still experiencing the issue, please comment on our main post for us to investigate. Thank you.
Same thing here, trying to get it resolved for 3 weeks. Sent 5 or 6 help request and all of them send me to the "Seller Verification", but the page doesn't work. It's no place to submit the documents and no guidance.
It's like an infinite loop, I ask for help, they send me the link and I have to ask for help again. They don't understand that the problem is the user interface, the web page doesn't work. It even has a message at the top "There was a problem loading the content. Please try again later."
Please if someone know how to resolve this, it would be great !
Hello @Seller_1jNZ4F7RjwF3p,
I'm Josh from Amazon. I understand you're having difficulties reactivating your account and accessing support channels.
Have you been able to contact Seller Support about this issue? If so, could you please share the case ID?
If you haven't been able to contact Seller Support due to the account inactivity, could you provide any previous case ID from your account? It doesn't need to be related to this specific issue. This will help me locate your account and investigate further.
Kind regards,