Read onlyPlease assist us with negative feedback posted for wrong seller/item. The buyer posted a negative feedback 2 days before they received their one and only shipment from us. The buyer stated "Damaged package" when they had not received our package yet.
We have attempted to contact the customer and they have not received or replied to our message.
We have a CASE ID # 15297446761
Could you please kindly assist us with this issue. Thank you
Hello @Seller_60jmVDbcC2ONa- thanks for posting about this experience. In general, the only reason Amazon might remove a piece of feedback are due to profanity in the comment, the entire comment being a product review, or if the feedback includes personally identifiable information. You can read more on this page, but to be sure, I did surface this internally to request some further review and assistance.
While these reviews can take some time, I'll be sure to follow up on this thread with any updates I am made aware of.