Unable to add a product from Amazon catalog, Your account does not qualify
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Unable to add a product from Amazon catalog, Your account does not qualify


There is been an issue with my account as I am unable to add any product from Amazon's catalog.

As I understand there are two types of products within Amazon's current catalog for sellers from which they can add to their inventory for selling:

Restricted Products: These products with high demand, low sales rank products, such as those electronics product like Apple iPhone, or make up brands Clinique, etc. are unavailable for new sellers to apply to sell. When I search, it's grayed out, Restricted! Clearly understood, they are hard gated. I have reviewed the guidelines provided in Seller University and understand why they are unavailable at this stage.

Unrestricted Products: For unrestricted products/brands, a seller has to go through a process of requesting approval, by first searching by ASIN, and if results shows with a green button "Apply to Sell" option is available, this means it is not restricted, that means that the seller would be able to list product to sell as long as seller submit to Amazon the proper documentations either invoice or brand authorization letter and got approval for it.

As summarized above, I do the following steps to add a product from Amazon catalog:

1- Search for ASIN and the result shows "You need approval to list in this brand", along with green button "Apply to sell"

2- Next, I select the product “New” condition and click the green "Apply to Sell" button.

3- Then new window opens, that gives information for what is being applied to(brand and/or category), along with the yellow button "Request Approval"

4- Next, I click yellow button "Request approval" and it redirects to a page and displays this message: "Your account does not qualify"

Normally, after step #4, it must redirect to a page where it asks the seller for proof of purchase such as invoice or a brand authorization letter, however, It doesn't do for me. Instead, it redirects to page where it states "Your account does not qualify"

Noone at seller support seems to understand the issue and all the updates provided in the case are irrelevant.

My question is that is this an error?

Am I the only one out there receiving this error?

If this isn't an error, why in the first place, a green button "Apply to sell" shows up? Why not restrict to apply?

Daily I try hundreds of hundreds of hundreds ASINs, and result same "Your account does not qualify"

My account is almost 3 months old, no negative/positive feedback, no policy violation or whatso ever. Nothing wrong done! all at good standing.

If this isn't an error, then, the new sellers can only sell their own brand on Amazon. Selling own brand on Amazon requires significant investment, perhaps a min of a $50K investment in my opinion, lower than this budget would probably be a higher chances of failure.

So, if this isn't an error, then, are resellers not allowed to sell on Amazon?

It's been two weeks and nothing but just a frustration while trying to get a help

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Tags:Add a product, Restricted Products
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If this isn't an error, then, the new sellers can only sell their own brand on Amazon.
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It is not Amazon but the brand themselves. They restrict sellers who are not authorized by them or their direct agent.

Most brands will not allow more resellers unless they bring value to the table.

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Not an error. Your account doesn't qualify. Whatever it is you are trying to list is not available to apply to sell. The way this platform is headed, you need specific brand authorization.

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Hello @Seller_7aCgSS4WG5f0O,

Thanks for posting to the Forums. Amazon requires approval to sell in many categories, brands, and products and in some instances restrictions and policies change. As the Amazon catalog grows, we continuously make new determinations on which products should be restricted, which is based on a number of factors. Amazon does this to ensure authenticity and customer satisfaction.

For this reason, you may be required to gain approval to sell certain products. You can see if there's an option to apply to sell through Seller Central, going to Catalog>Add a Product. Next, find the ASIN you would like to sell and then apply to sell if there is an option.

You will find more details about this using the resources below:

Restricted products

Products that require approval

Invoice requirements for when you apply to sell


- Manny

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