USPS issue with invalid or used shipping labels


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USPS issue with invalid or used shipping labels

We identified a USPS system issue that affected some shipping labels purchased on multiple shipping label software programs, including Amazon Buy Shipping and Veeqo. Some labels were incorrectly marked as used or displayed invalid tracking information.

On February 27, 2025, we implemented a fix to help prevent this issue from recurring and will provide refunds for labels that couldn’t be used. USPS has informed us that they’ll still deliver any package that was accepted with duplicate tracking information.

If your orders were affected, we’ll take the following actions to protect your account:

  • Amazon account health protection: Any affected orders will automatically be protected from impacts to your Amazon account health metrics, including On-time delivery rate, Order defect rate, Valid tracking rate, and Late shipment rate. No action is required of you. We’ve identified impacted orders and will update your account health metrics by March 7, 2025. For issues with other selling channels, we recommend that you contact their respective seller support.
  • Refunds on labels purchased: We’ll refund your original payment method for the amount you paid for shipping on any impacted USPS label you purchased on Amazon Buy Shipping or Veeqo. You can expect this refund by approximately March 31, 2025, and no action is required of you.
  • A-to-z claim refunds: Labels purchased on Amazon Buy Shipping and Veeqo already include protection from A-to-z claims related to delivery issues, as long as you shipped on time. If you received an A-to-z claim due to this issue, we’ll automatically fund the buyer reimbursement and the customer-reported claim will not be counted against your order defect rate. No action is required of you.

We're working hard to support you through this inconvenience.

72 replies
Tags:News and Announcements
72 replies
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Thank you for this update. Can you confirm if neutral and negative feedback will also be automatically stricken through for these impacted orders?

Also, since Amazon knows which orders were impacted, will you be reaching out to customers to let them know of the label issues and that sellers are not to blame?

I got my first very confused customer email today however I have been reading the forums on this topic seeing other sellers outright being called cheats and scammers. It is imperative that Amazon take this mess off of sellers' hands. If the message is coming directly from Amazon it carries a lot more weight and authority.

Please do right by us.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

One question related to this shipping fiasco a lot of sellers are also asking about is what about negative feedback that buyers are leaving on sellers accounts? Will this also be addressed and any negative feedback associated with these shipments be completely removed from sellers accounts? Because negative feedbacks can kill a seller and cause them to lose buy boxes etc. Any feedback should be completely deleted from sellers ratings and not just struck through. Please let us know how this part of the issue will be handled. Thank you

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Shouldn't Amazon send an automated message to all buyers on the days effected with this issue.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I've noticed this on several order so far. I've had a couple of buyers contact me, one on Amazon and one on eBay, and I've just noticed it on a couple of other orders I've sent. Glad to see Amazon is addressing it, and hopefully they will remove any negative feedbacks from accounts. I guess their fix to prevent this from recurring is to check the label for existing tracking when it is being purchased, and to void it and generate another if it already has tracking. On one of mine I noticed that it has gotten shipped out of New York one day before I purchased the label, though, so if that is their fix, there could still be issues with 2 labels being generated with the same tracking number at roughly the same time that might not be caught.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I was given a negative feedback for this exact reason. The buyer was worried about their tracking # and left us negative feedback which we were not able to remove even after appealing. This same buyer opened an A-to-Z, which we lost somehow?! I hope you are going to fix this issue. We had to refund them out of our own pockets. We bought the shipping label thru Amazon buy shipping and shipped it out on time

Order #: 111-2839249-2116227

Case ID (for feedback): 17316725281

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

and if amazon card at all every customer effected would have already received an email detailing what happened but amazon will never send that email

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Thank you to all of the sellers posting their feedback and questions. We are sharing these with our partner team and will follow up here with responses.


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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Thank you for resolving issues for sellers.

When will Amazon address the added shipping charges after labels are purchased through Buy Shipping, despite sellers providing accurate weight and dimensions from the start, so that Amazon is not considered deceptive or misleading in this regard?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Thanks for the update on this. We are getting alot of customer messages about this issue.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

So how will the "DD + 7 policy" reserved and release transactions work?


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