USPS shipping label not printing on my ROllo thermal printer anymore
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USPS shipping label not printing on my ROllo thermal printer anymore

I have been on tech support with Rollo and opened a ticker with Amazon and have spent over 10 hours trying to fix this.

I can no longer get my shipping labels to print on the Rollo printer.

Rollo says to set it to print .pdf and packing slip when I do this Print Connect sends directly to the 4x6 printer and it errors the printer. I can not uncheck page 2 for the packing slip as I always print that separately (first) and use it when I get the stock to fill the package to ship. so the packing slip is printed way before the shipping label is needed.

if I uninstall print connect I get an internal website error when trying to print.

this is a pain as you have to apply for a shipping refund to be able to try any other settings to see if they work. My customers are on packing slip and tracking number 5 and I still have not shipped my products as I can't get it to print.

any suggestions on how to fix this? I tried opening a support ticket but I'm in a loop because I cannot provide an error code that Amazon is requesting

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Hi @Seller_LPY5BqQnUViJC,

Dominic from Amazon here, it may be better to try to utilize QZ Tray. QZ Tray is a third-party solution that enables One-Click printing. QZ Tray One-Click printing is now integrated with Amazon Buy Shipping. In addition to One-Click printing, this also solves print support for different formats and current state printing issues with Print Connect.

Please let me know if this is still an issue after using QZ Tray.



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