Listings Lounge: Find Your External Product ID on Amazon
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Listings Lounge: Find Your External Product ID on Amazon

Hello Sellers,

In this article, we will address how to navigate a listing when you’re asked for an External Product ID on Amazon.

If you try to add an item with variations in your store and are asked for an External Product ID, take the following actions.

1. If you already have an exemption approval from Amazon to list generic products:

  • Delete the current listing, go to Seller University, and watch the modules under the List products section;
  • Wait 24 hours to give Amazon’s system time to clear caches;
  • Then try listing again, following the steps from the modules on Seller University. This time, do not choose the fields ‘External Product ID Type’ or ‘External Product ID’.

2. If you do not have an exemption approval from Amazon to list generic products:

  • Put in a request to do so here.

For more information, go to Seller University.

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Tags:Add a product, GTIN, Listings
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