I updated my handling time to 2 days by going to: Manage Inventory -> Edit Listing then entering "2" in the Handling Time field.
I will give it 48 hours and check it again and the field will be blank.
Also - When I go to the Manage Seller Fulfilled Products page and Manage Handling Time Settings, it shows Seller-Set days 1 on the SKU that I want to be 2.
I have automatic handling time turned off.
Has anyone have any luck with changing their handing time to 2 days on the SKU level? Any tips?
if you go to general shipping settings
https://sellercentral.amazon.com/sbr/ref=xx_shipset_dnav_xx#settingslook at you default handing time.
It probably says 1.
We had the options of 0, 1 & 2.
But when I changed ours from 2 to 1 the choice of 2 disappeared, so theirs no going back.
The work around is changing your order capacity to 1.
Once 1 is reached the system is “supposed “ to add an extra day.
Have you tried updating it using a flat file?
run an inventory report, use the price and quantity template, save as a text file, then upload through Add Products via Upload. Once you know how it takes about two minutes. My handling times always update within five minutes. or less.
Use the price update download. There is a field for latency. Save as TSV (because Amazon chose to not have it be xl, xls, xlsx, etc like other things for some reason).
The handling time dashboard for the setting by SKU is broken. We let Amazon know, but of course only reopened the case a half dozen times instead of the 100+ average usually required for a correct resolution.
I've used the price and quantity and updated 1 SKU as a test. Everything uploaded fine and the updates were made to the product listing. I checked it 10 minutes after the file was uploaded and the handling time was in fact set to what I wanted it to be.
This morning, I wake up to check if the changes were still set... The handing time field is now blank and not with the value that was set yesterday.
The updates to handling time is not sticking. Anyone having this issue?