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Track product performance and view translated customer feedback

Hello sellers!

A month ago this topic was brought up by our Amazon News channel, and today I wanted to bring it back in case some of you might have missed it.

To show you how your products perform against industry benchmarks, we've updated some features on the Voice of the Customer dashboard.

The Negative customer experience (NCX) review rate and the NCX return rate show how your product review and return rates compare to product category benchmarks. This information enables you to track your product performance over time so that you can make informed decisions to improve quality. On the listing's detail page, you can now dive deeper into performance trends, including your overall NCX rate, over the past 12 weeks.

We've integrated a Frequently returned items badge under the Action column on the dashboard. This badge provides detailed feedback, including reasons for the frequent returns, enabling you to take corrective action and improve your product offerings.

We've also enhanced the Customer feedback section. Previously, customer feedback was only available in English. Now, you can read feedback in multiple languages.

To view these features, go to the Voice of the Customer dashboard.

In case you have questions or comments about this topic, feel free to post it on the comments below, and don't hesitate on reaching out to our Seller Support team if needed.


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Track product performance and view translated customer feedback

Hello sellers!

A month ago this topic was brought up by our Amazon News channel, and today I wanted to bring it back in case some of you might have missed it.

To show you how your products perform against industry benchmarks, we've updated some features on the Voice of the Customer dashboard.

The Negative customer experience (NCX) review rate and the NCX return rate show how your product review and return rates compare to product category benchmarks. This information enables you to track your product performance over time so that you can make informed decisions to improve quality. On the listing's detail page, you can now dive deeper into performance trends, including your overall NCX rate, over the past 12 weeks.

We've integrated a Frequently returned items badge under the Action column on the dashboard. This badge provides detailed feedback, including reasons for the frequent returns, enabling you to take corrective action and improve your product offerings.

We've also enhanced the Customer feedback section. Previously, customer feedback was only available in English. Now, you can read feedback in multiple languages.

To view these features, go to the Voice of the Customer dashboard.

In case you have questions or comments about this topic, feel free to post it on the comments below, and don't hesitate on reaching out to our Seller Support team if needed.


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Track product performance and view translated customer feedback

Hello sellers!

A month ago this topic was brought up by our Amazon News channel, and today I wanted to bring it back in case some of you might have missed it.

To show you how your products perform against industry benchmarks, we've updated some features on the Voice of the Customer dashboard.

The Negative customer experience (NCX) review rate and the NCX return rate show how your product review and return rates compare to product category benchmarks. This information enables you to track your product performance over time so that you can make informed decisions to improve quality. On the listing's detail page, you can now dive deeper into performance trends, including your overall NCX rate, over the past 12 weeks.

We've integrated a Frequently returned items badge under the Action column on the dashboard. This badge provides detailed feedback, including reasons for the frequent returns, enabling you to take corrective action and improve your product offerings.

We've also enhanced the Customer feedback section. Previously, customer feedback was only available in English. Now, you can read feedback in multiple languages.

To view these features, go to the Voice of the Customer dashboard.

In case you have questions or comments about this topic, feel free to post it on the comments below, and don't hesitate on reaching out to our Seller Support team if needed.


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Track product performance and view translated customer feedback

Hello sellers!

A month ago this topic was brought up by our Amazon News channel, and today I wanted to bring it back in case some of you might have missed it.

To show you how your products perform against industry benchmarks, we've updated some features on the Voice of the Customer dashboard.

The Negative customer experience (NCX) review rate and the NCX return rate show how your product review and return rates compare to product category benchmarks. This information enables you to track your product performance over time so that you can make informed decisions to improve quality. On the listing's detail page, you can now dive deeper into performance trends, including your overall NCX rate, over the past 12 weeks.

We've integrated a Frequently returned items badge under the Action column on the dashboard. This badge provides detailed feedback, including reasons for the frequent returns, enabling you to take corrective action and improve your product offerings.

We've also enhanced the Customer feedback section. Previously, customer feedback was only available in English. Now, you can read feedback in multiple languages.

To view these features, go to the Voice of the Customer dashboard.

In case you have questions or comments about this topic, feel free to post it on the comments below, and don't hesitate on reaching out to our Seller Support team if needed.


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Track product performance and view translated customer feedback

by Josh_Amazon

Hello sellers!

A month ago this topic was brought up by our Amazon News channel, and today I wanted to bring it back in case some of you might have missed it.

To show you how your products perform against industry benchmarks, we've updated some features on the Voice of the Customer dashboard.

The Negative customer experience (NCX) review rate and the NCX return rate show how your product review and return rates compare to product category benchmarks. This information enables you to track your product performance over time so that you can make informed decisions to improve quality. On the listing's detail page, you can now dive deeper into performance trends, including your overall NCX rate, over the past 12 weeks.

We've integrated a Frequently returned items badge under the Action column on the dashboard. This badge provides detailed feedback, including reasons for the frequent returns, enabling you to take corrective action and improve your product offerings.

We've also enhanced the Customer feedback section. Previously, customer feedback was only available in English. Now, you can read feedback in multiple languages.

To view these features, go to the Voice of the Customer dashboard.

In case you have questions or comments about this topic, feel free to post it on the comments below, and don't hesitate on reaching out to our Seller Support team if needed.


Tags:News and Announcements
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