Review Request for Rejected Amazon Handmade Application
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Review Request for Rejected Amazon Handmade Application

I applied for the Handmade category with my handmade product, but my application was rejected.

I believe this rejection was a mistake. I have thoroughly reviewed Amazon's policies and followed all guidelines, and I am confident that I meet the criteria for the Handmade category.

Please review and address this issue for me. Thank you!

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12 replies
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Hello @Seller_tuYZNFwtZ0REp,

Thank you for reaching out. My apologies on the frustration this has caused. You must meet the following criteria. Amazon Handmade program eligibility:

  • An approved selling account on Amazon, enabled with a Professional selling plan, with no restrictions from selling
  • Independent makers, working alone or preferably, with fewer than 20 friends, family members, or employees to create products
  • Collaborative groups – cooperatives, nonprofits, or charities:
  • Cooperative – a group of makers united to meet their common economic, social, and cultural needs.
  • Non-profit Organization (NPO) – groups dedicated to furthering a particular social cause or advocating for a shared point of view.
  • Non-government Organization (NGO) – groups dedicated to furthering a particular social cause or advocating for a shared point of view that operates autonomously of government.
  • Social enterprise – organizations with the goal to empower and support collectives and communities of makers making one-of-a-kind, handmade products. For example, a social enterprise organization creates one-of-a-kind designs and works with communities of makers across their region to help with the creation and production of their final product.

Have you met the following?

Looking forward to your response.



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