Which department of the Government do I complain to?
I believe there is a Consumer Affairs Department and the Department of Justice.
This is BS Amazon. You charge accounts and then don't specific what the charge is for????
All of us have been charged with an amount $$$$ but categories as others
Most of what AMAZON charges under "other" amount to the equivalent to "junk" fees that consumers are now getting protections from.
The crazy part about all this, if you are using Amazons Buy Shipping, for instance if you use dimensions: 10x6x4 and put 1lb 8 oz, there is no change in shipping cost if you change the weight to 3 lb or even if you change the dimensions of the box to 10x4x6 there is no change but we are being charged $4.53 extra due to an adjustment stating we measured our package 8x6x4 and 1lb but USPS said they audited and got 8x4x6 and 1.65 lbs.... so something is broken on Amazons end or were being scammed..
They take out about $100 in adjustments a month.
They are calling it a shipping adjustment. I only ship one thing and its about 2oz. If I sell 2 its 4oz. There is no need for an adjustment, I cant imagine the USPS notified Amazon for $1.17, about 30 times a month, with just my small little account.
I see the numbers some bigger business's are getting hit with. I am in, as I cant imagine this is not shady.
I used to think that "Other" charges were for shipping... then I stopped buying shipping on Amazon. I still recevieve a "other" charge every payement for anywhere between $20-$40
we need a MOD to step in on this and actually do something!
I just got hit with over $800.00 in adjustment fees !
please fix this!
On behalf of ALL of us sellers: please do. Amazon robs its sellers daily in more ways than are imaginable and continues to get away with it.
"This is BS Amazon. You charge accounts and then don't specific what the charge is for????"
As hard as it is to believe, it is important to realize that your statement is indeed true. As an example, if you have a bullet point containing something it shouldn't, AZ will remove all of your bullet points, give you a warning, and damage your metrics. They will then send you an email about this warning, but they won't tell you what you did wrong.
I've gone thru this with Amazon in the past. It's like telling a kid "You did something wrong yesterday, and so today I'm punishing you. I won't tell you what you did....but you'd better fix it. If you don't, I'll punish you even more. If you still can't figure it out, you're dead to me...but I will still not tell you what you did wrong"
I asked Amazon how they can feel such an approach is appropriate, and they told me that if they told me the specific violation, then the bad actors on Amazon would be able to act even more bad.
You certainly don't see customer support acting like this on eBay, nor Etsy, nor Shopify, but on Amazon, their support is indeed the worst on the entire web.
I sure hope something is going to get done and everyone keeps reporting them. The fraud that Amazon participates in is massive, by not funding A-z and safe t claims etc.
The feds need an entire team at Amazon to work out these issues. It's not going to happen over night, and it's going to get worse because Amazon knows they can get away with it. Amazon is willingly stealing from it's customers in many ways.
Although it's very minor, it's still criminal, lately I randomly click something on seller central and it will randomly open an Amazon clinic advertisement. Happens about once a week, and trust me, I'm sure there is nothing on my screen about Amazon health clinic, until I click a link to edit inventory and it opens up lol. How do you report this?
Yes, THIS...it's just stated as "other" really???
For every BS charge we get from Amazon, i remove that amount from my Amazon Ad spend budget on principle. If all sellers did this they would soon take notice.