Hello, I have been selling on amazon over two years. I am not residental US person, I live in outside of US. I own a company in my country and I own a LLC in US. I am operating my business from my country. Actually all my LLC business information was verified two times during the inform act. verification process before. A verification code was mailed to my LLC business address and my LLC business address was already verified last year.
In account info page, when I check all pages related to business information, I see all my information still looks verified with green thick.
Under business information menu, "business information and phone number" page shows my LLC address. As I told, it looks it is still verified successfully with a green thick.
In "Legal Entity" page "Business Information" and "Primary Contact Information" shows my country company information and also my residental address in my country since I live in outside of US. And Verification completed successfully message still appeared in this page too.
Official Registered Adress page shows my LLC information and address.
And finally "Tax Information Page" shows my LLC information and address. Because I tax return in US and also I am a taxpayer and I have ITIN too. Last year Amazon generated 1099K form and we use this form to tax return. And also, "my tax information was validated successfully" message still appearing in this page too.
I am not sure what document should I upload. I am not a new seller and all my information verified before at least two times. Should I upload business licence or utility bill for my LLC? Or should I upload a business licence for my country company? Or should i upload a utility bill for my name and residental address in my country?
Does anyone has same situation? Does anyone have an idea how I can reactivate my account?
Hello, I have been selling on amazon over two years. I am not residental US person, I live in outside of US. I own a company in my country and I own a LLC in US. I am operating my business from my country. Actually all my LLC business information was verified two times during the inform act. verification process before. A verification code was mailed to my LLC business address and my LLC business address was already verified last year.
In account info page, when I check all pages related to business information, I see all my information still looks verified with green thick.
Under business information menu, "business information and phone number" page shows my LLC address. As I told, it looks it is still verified successfully with a green thick.
In "Legal Entity" page "Business Information" and "Primary Contact Information" shows my country company information and also my residental address in my country since I live in outside of US. And Verification completed successfully message still appeared in this page too.
Official Registered Adress page shows my LLC information and address.
And finally "Tax Information Page" shows my LLC information and address. Because I tax return in US and also I am a taxpayer and I have ITIN too. Last year Amazon generated 1099K form and we use this form to tax return. And also, "my tax information was validated successfully" message still appearing in this page too.
I am not sure what document should I upload. I am not a new seller and all my information verified before at least two times. Should I upload business licence or utility bill for my LLC? Or should I upload a business licence for my country company? Or should i upload a utility bill for my name and residental address in my country?
Does anyone has same situation? Does anyone have an idea how I can reactivate my account?
Hello @Seller_451qdrK5zguo8
"Should I upload business licence or utility bill for my LLC? Or should I upload a business licence for my country company? Or should i upload a utility bill for my name and residental address in my country?"
Thank you for the information provided regarding the rejection of your utility bill information. I understand you have been providing documentation for the LLC that you have registered in the US, but you are operating the account from a different country. Any attempt to utilize a virtual address will be rejected as our team needs the information for where you are physically located.
Are you utilizing the virtual address as your official business address? If so, we would recommend making adjustments to this information and providing documentation that corresponds. Please be aware that we cannot guarantee a resolution if our team continues to be unable to verify your information.
We do encourage you to continue to provide any details you have not already shared to this thread for continued support.
Hello, I have been selling on amazon over two years. I am not residental US person, I live in outside of US. I own a company in my country and I own a LLC in US. I am operating my business from my country. Actually all my LLC business information was verified two times during the inform act. verification process before. A verification code was mailed to my LLC business address and my LLC business address was already verified last year.
In account info page, when I check all pages related to business information, I see all my information still looks verified with green thick.
Under business information menu, "business information and phone number" page shows my LLC address. As I told, it looks it is still verified successfully with a green thick.
In "Legal Entity" page "Business Information" and "Primary Contact Information" shows my country company information and also my residental address in my country since I live in outside of US. And Verification completed successfully message still appeared in this page too.
Official Registered Adress page shows my LLC information and address.
And finally "Tax Information Page" shows my LLC information and address. Because I tax return in US and also I am a taxpayer and I have ITIN too. Last year Amazon generated 1099K form and we use this form to tax return. And also, "my tax information was validated successfully" message still appearing in this page too.
I am not sure what document should I upload. I am not a new seller and all my information verified before at least two times. Should I upload business licence or utility bill for my LLC? Or should I upload a business licence for my country company? Or should i upload a utility bill for my name and residental address in my country?
Does anyone has same situation? Does anyone have an idea how I can reactivate my account?
Hello, I have been selling on amazon over two years. I am not residental US person, I live in outside of US. I own a company in my country and I own a LLC in US. I am operating my business from my country. Actually all my LLC business information was verified two times during the inform act. verification process before. A verification code was mailed to my LLC business address and my LLC business address was already verified last year.
In account info page, when I check all pages related to business information, I see all my information still looks verified with green thick.
Under business information menu, "business information and phone number" page shows my LLC address. As I told, it looks it is still verified successfully with a green thick.
In "Legal Entity" page "Business Information" and "Primary Contact Information" shows my country company information and also my residental address in my country since I live in outside of US. And Verification completed successfully message still appeared in this page too.
Official Registered Adress page shows my LLC information and address.
And finally "Tax Information Page" shows my LLC information and address. Because I tax return in US and also I am a taxpayer and I have ITIN too. Last year Amazon generated 1099K form and we use this form to tax return. And also, "my tax information was validated successfully" message still appearing in this page too.
I am not sure what document should I upload. I am not a new seller and all my information verified before at least two times. Should I upload business licence or utility bill for my LLC? Or should I upload a business licence for my country company? Or should i upload a utility bill for my name and residental address in my country?
Does anyone has same situation? Does anyone have an idea how I can reactivate my account?
Hello, I have been selling on amazon over two years. I am not residental US person, I live in outside of US. I own a company in my country and I own a LLC in US. I am operating my business from my country. Actually all my LLC business information was verified two times during the inform act. verification process before. A verification code was mailed to my LLC business address and my LLC business address was already verified last year.
In account info page, when I check all pages related to business information, I see all my information still looks verified with green thick.
Under business information menu, "business information and phone number" page shows my LLC address. As I told, it looks it is still verified successfully with a green thick.
In "Legal Entity" page "Business Information" and "Primary Contact Information" shows my country company information and also my residental address in my country since I live in outside of US. And Verification completed successfully message still appeared in this page too.
Official Registered Adress page shows my LLC information and address.
And finally "Tax Information Page" shows my LLC information and address. Because I tax return in US and also I am a taxpayer and I have ITIN too. Last year Amazon generated 1099K form and we use this form to tax return. And also, "my tax information was validated successfully" message still appearing in this page too.
I am not sure what document should I upload. I am not a new seller and all my information verified before at least two times. Should I upload business licence or utility bill for my LLC? Or should I upload a business licence for my country company? Or should i upload a utility bill for my name and residental address in my country?
Does anyone has same situation? Does anyone have an idea how I can reactivate my account?
Hello @Seller_451qdrK5zguo8
"Should I upload business licence or utility bill for my LLC? Or should I upload a business licence for my country company? Or should i upload a utility bill for my name and residental address in my country?"
Thank you for the information provided regarding the rejection of your utility bill information. I understand you have been providing documentation for the LLC that you have registered in the US, but you are operating the account from a different country. Any attempt to utilize a virtual address will be rejected as our team needs the information for where you are physically located.
Are you utilizing the virtual address as your official business address? If so, we would recommend making adjustments to this information and providing documentation that corresponds. Please be aware that we cannot guarantee a resolution if our team continues to be unable to verify your information.
We do encourage you to continue to provide any details you have not already shared to this thread for continued support.
Hello @Seller_451qdrK5zguo8
"Should I upload business licence or utility bill for my LLC? Or should I upload a business licence for my country company? Or should i upload a utility bill for my name and residental address in my country?"
Thank you for the information provided regarding the rejection of your utility bill information. I understand you have been providing documentation for the LLC that you have registered in the US, but you are operating the account from a different country. Any attempt to utilize a virtual address will be rejected as our team needs the information for where you are physically located.
Are you utilizing the virtual address as your official business address? If so, we would recommend making adjustments to this information and providing documentation that corresponds. Please be aware that we cannot guarantee a resolution if our team continues to be unable to verify your information.
We do encourage you to continue to provide any details you have not already shared to this thread for continued support.
Hello @Seller_451qdrK5zguo8
"Should I upload business licence or utility bill for my LLC? Or should I upload a business licence for my country company? Or should i upload a utility bill for my name and residental address in my country?"
Thank you for the information provided regarding the rejection of your utility bill information. I understand you have been providing documentation for the LLC that you have registered in the US, but you are operating the account from a different country. Any attempt to utilize a virtual address will be rejected as our team needs the information for where you are physically located.
Are you utilizing the virtual address as your official business address? If so, we would recommend making adjustments to this information and providing documentation that corresponds. Please be aware that we cannot guarantee a resolution if our team continues to be unable to verify your information.
We do encourage you to continue to provide any details you have not already shared to this thread for continued support.