Referral Fee on Deals, Coupons etc...
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Referral Fee on Deals, Coupons etc...

Hello, I was wondering if anyone could shed some light on referral fees as they pertain to Deals, Lightning Deals, Coupons etc... I'm curious whether Amazon collects the referral fee based on the sale price or AFTER the discount? This seems like a dumb question, but you never know.

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Tags:Advertising, Deals, Lightning Deals
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Hello @Seller_Nd9XJTceHpNg8

It is not a dumb question!

For all products, Amazon deducts the applicable referral fee percentage calculated on the total sales price, excluding any taxes calculated through Amazon tax calculation services. The total sales price is the total amount paid by the buyer, including the item price and any delivery charges or gift wrapping charges.

So, to answer your question, the referral fee is based on the actual sales price the buyer has paid, including delivery charges or gift wrapping charges.

I hope this helps!


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