After my friend accessed my wireless network with his merchant account, my account was closed due to account association.
I have expressed the situation many times, but I am experiencing this problem even though they say that there is no common connection and that some information (bank, payment method, address, etc.) must be the same in order for the account to be closed.
Company documents, bank information, address, etc. I sent all my information, including my personal information, to the account health team. I also made the necessary explanation. Even though I have no information in common with the other account, I get the answer that the other account belongs to me. I now think my notification was rejected without being read. Because they don't even clearly state what documents they want from me to reactivate the account.
I would be glad if someone who has previous knowledge about this issue could help me, because the support team frankly does not provide much support.
Thank you
Sorry, didn't you know that before letting him do so??
Is HIS account suspended? Or does he sell in the same category like you?
Hello @Seller_SISaE4NMokx6I,
Thank you for reaching out on the Forums.
I see that your account has been deactivated for a violation of the multiple account policy and you have questions about how to address this.
This type of deactivation can occur when personal or business information is shared between 2 accounts and one of them becomes deactivated. To appeal this, you will have following options:
--submit an explanation of how the accounts are related to each other and provide proof (supporting documentation) that the accounts are no longer related.
--reinstate the account that has been found to be related to you.
Based off of what you have shared, you recognize the other account and you do not own it. For this, you can submit a signed affidavit explaining who owns the other account and their relationship to you. You should specify how the other account owner had any access to your account. The affidavit should be signed and stamped by a notary or singed in the presence of a lawyer. Other types of documents can include bank statements in case you have had financial transactions with the other account owner.
If the information you submit is unable to be verified or does not explain the account relation, your submission may be denied. From there, your option will be to work with the other account owner to reinstate their account.
I suggest to review the below video on this topic:
--Address a Multiple Account Policy violation
I hope you find this information helpful. If you have any further questions or updates to provide, please feel free to respond here. The Forums community and I are here to support you.
Wishing you the best,