Hello Amazon Seller Support and Fellow Sellers,
I recently received a Vine Customer Review on my listing that contains blatantly incorrect statements about my product’s single ingredient, hydrocolloid. The reviewer claims that hydrocolloid is just a “random gel” and questions whether there is any active ingredient at all, when in fact hydrocolloid itself is the active ingredient.
As many in the skincare and medical community know, hydrocolloid is widely recognized for its wound-care properties: it absorbs fluid from blemishes, helps protect the skin, and promotes a healthier environment for healing. Many top-selling pimple patches (including ours) rely solely on hydrocolloid due to these proven benefits.
The review in question suggests a lack of transparency about active ingredients, but our packaging clearly states that the only ingredient is hydrocolloid—which is both accurate and standard for these types of acne patches. The reviewer’s statements are misleading and misrepresent our product to potential customers.
Why Removal is Requested: The review incorrectly claims there is no active ingredient, yet hydrocolloid is the key active ingredient.
This misinformation could confuse future buyers and negatively impact our sales and reputation, especially given that this is one of the three of our reviews.
The review seems to have been made by someone unfamiliar with how hydrocolloid patches work, thus leading to a false assertion about product integrity.
I understand Amazon’s stance on preserving authentic customer feedback, but reviews containing demonstrably false claims about a product’s composition often warrant a closer look. I kindly request Amazon to consider removing this review or guiding me on how best to address it, given the incorrect and potentially damaging information.
Also, reviewer is claiming the ingredient to be "Hydrocolloidal", I'm not sure if this is a typo or what, but it is misleading as we use Hydrocolloid, which is clearly stated on our packaging and our listing. (See image below)
Thank you for your time and understanding. I appreciate any guidance or support from both Amazon Seller Support and the wider seller community on how to resolve this issue.
Link to review: link
Please help me out :/