Amazon DAC7 system requests me to rewrite reality, and sends 3 links to a marketplace I don’t even use.
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Amazon DAC7 system requests me to rewrite reality, and sends 3 links to a marketplace I don’t even use.

Imagine having an individual Amazon account and a perfectly valid VAT registration under your trade name (totally legal, totally normal in Europe). This combination of things works fine for years but then one day, suddenly, it's DAC7 compliance time. Now you have 60 days.

Amazon’s tax interview insists that you use only your personal name, but at the same time seller support calls this a 'name mismatch' with the VAT registration. Amazon's solution? Essentially, "Please rewrite reality and change your perfectly valid VAT registration with your country's tax authorities to match our system’s preferences."

To add to the confusion, each time you contact seller support, they generously send you tax interview links - —for a marketplace you don’t even have an account on, to make a change that can never be implemented.

Interesting situation right? Well, if you happen to work at amazon you can follow this true story on case 17396769041. Let's see where this incredible journey leads us.

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Tags:Tax documents, Taxes
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