A buyer purchased 2 widgets from me with order 112-4700587-7905032 on March 13, 2025. On March 18, I see another order 114-8438657-0562644 which has 2 of the widgets and says replacement.
When I search the order numbers, I don't see a request for a return from the buyer. So why would Amazon just send out two freebies? When I opened a case I was told either all 4 were freebies (No, I see payment for the original order). I am also told:
Note: If an item is refunded, you can always check the reason under 'Returns' in the Fulfilment Reports section of your selling account: https://sellercentral.amazon.com/reportcentral/CUSTOMER_RETURNS/0
You can also identify the reason from your "Manage FBA returns": https://sellercentral.amazon.com/reportcentral/CUSTOMER_RETURNS/0
However, when I visit that reports page and enter either order number as instructed, I find nothing. Which is why I opened the case in the first place. But now I'm just told that I need to wait 60 days. I'm mainly just trying to understand what went wrong with that product and why I can't see the return request made by the buyer.
Any idea what is going on?
Ok I went round again and on the 4th time I was told the buyer did reach out and claimed that the first two delivered widgets were not actually delivered and so Amazon sent out two more.
I really wish there was a way for me to view these situations so that I can be aware of what is going on without having to open a case and then follow up over and over hoping for a real answer.