Incorrect Categorization of My Product - Tagged in "Skin lightening and cosmetics"
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Incorrect Categorization of My Product - Tagged in "Skin lightening and cosmetics"

Hi everyone,

I recently received a notification from Amazon regarding compliance documents required for one of my listings. The issue is that my product has been flagged under the category of "Skin Lightening cosmetics." This is confusing because my product DOES NOT have any properties related to skin lightening and not cosmetic too.

To provide some context, my product is a Calendula Hydrating Cream for Daily Nourishment with Pure Botanicals. None of these ingredients are associated with skin lightening or cosmetics, and they certainly don't violate Amazon's policies. Additionally, there is no mention of "Skin lightening and cosmetics" anywhere in my listing—whether in the description, images, or any other part of the content. I have tried to appeal, to make a change in my listing with a designed reoptimization but it has not been possible because the listing is removed.

I've reviewed Amazon's policies, specifically the section on skin lightening and cosmetics, and my product clearly doesn't fall into this category. The policy states that these products work by reducing melanin in the skin, and Amazon prohibits products that contain mercury or similar substances. My product doesn't contain any of these, nor does it have such effects.

I'm reaching out here to see if anyone else has encountered a similar issue and how it was resolved. I've already requested Amazon to review my listing and correct this error, but I'm hoping for some advice or insight from others who might have gone through the same process.

Thank's a lot in advance for your help!



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Tags:Product compliance
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What is the correct category?

Did you create the listing?

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if anyone else has encountered a similar issue
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Go on top an click “Discussions”, put the filters on the left on «Recommended” and “Past year”, then write “skin lightening” in the search bar on top and read the countless threads.

The Artificial Intelligence checks the listing. so, one specific word was identified by the bot as beeing a "skin lightening" component. Or a describing word in your listing or on the packaging, like "brightening".

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Hi @Seller_cLIsRtV4RzJuO,

Thanks for submitting your inquiry. I've reviewed the details and see that case 17096388891 is currently open with the team who is looking into the matter. Please allow the team time to review this and get back to you with an update. If you see that the case resolves later and still need help, let me know here and I'll look into seeing what options exist for escalation.


- Manny

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