How to buy a prepaid shipping label for a customer return
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How to buy a prepaid shipping label for a customer return

I am new on Amazon… I would appreciate some help on how to provide a prepaid shipping label for a return? can this be bought within the same return request so the customer can just printed and my account be charged just like when I ship an order to a customer?
or I need to have a separate account with a different provider like USPS or UPS buy the label first then re-send it to the customer?

I have spent sometime trying to find a way within amazon seller central and I do not see anyway to buy a prepaid shipping label for a return. i would think this would be an easy process… when I sold the item…I bought the label within Amazon (USPS) and ship the item. Amazon charged me… so the info for the order is within the return request. i would assume it would be easy but I do not see an easy way to do it on amazon…

I would appreciate any advice

16 replies
Tags:Shipping, Shipping labels, UPS, USPS
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Tell the customer to open up a return request for the item through Amazon. A prepaid label will automatically be provided. You will be charged for the label when the customer uses it.

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There has never been a way for a seller to purchase prepaid return label through Amazon.

Now – in theory – if you are on the professional plan, the buyer can generate a prepaid label from their side.

There are a few on the professional plan who have reported this just doesn’t work for their account (with screen shots proving they are correct).

You should be able to see this on your Return Settings page.

Look for this choice: I want Amazon to automatically authorize and provide a prepaid shipping label for return requests that meet Amazon policy

If you have that choice, and it is checked, then the buyer should be able to generate a label.*

If you are on the individual plan, you won’t have this.

  • Exceptions for items not eligible for shipping by air
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Pretty Please go to Seller University and learn about Policies and how Amazon kind of works.
You can have Amazon provide a label.

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There is no choice for AZ to provide pre-paid only un-paid.

Pro plan, FBM


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Been up and down this road with Seller Support. Amazon won’t provide the option for Amazon to provide a prepaid label and just charge me for it. I have to create my own label and send it to the customer.

I have a USPS and a Paypal account. In order to be able to send a 1st Class Package label, I have to purchase through Paypal. I don’t see the 1st Class option on my USPS account.

From Paypal:
Account settings --> Shipping --> Shipping Preference and add the customer address to the “Ship From” option.

I can then go ahead and create the label through Paypal’s “Multi Order Shipping” option under Tools --> All Tools

If anyone has an easier way to do this I am all ears.

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Prepaid returns for seller fulfilled orders

Amazon automatically authorizes U.S. returns that fall within Amazon’s returns policy. We provide customers with prepaid return shipping labels on your behalf through Buy Shipping Services. We only send you return requests that are outside of Amazon’s policy or exempt from this requirement for manual review.

You are required to issue a refund within two business days of receipt of a return. If you do not take action regarding the refund, Amazon might refund the customer on your behalf and charge the amount to your seller account.

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