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Amazon Accelerate wraps up with new generative AI capabilities and brand analytics tools

Amazon Accelerate wrapped up today with the launch of new generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities and brand analytics tools to help you streamline your work, reach more customers, and accelerate your growth.

Project Amelia is a personalized Amazon selling expert for every seller

Powered by generative AI, Project Amelia acts as your personal Amazon selling assistant. It learns your unique business needs and provides personalized recommendations and insights to help boost productivity and drive growth. Project Amelia is currently available in beta release to a select group of sellers and will progressively roll out to additional US sellers in the coming weeks. To learn more, read the announcement.

AI-powered product titles personalize the customer experience

This new generative AI capability makes your listings more engaging to customers by personalizing how product titles appear. The feature works in the background to identify patterns and intelligently craft titles that resemble a customer’s search keywords. The added relevance helps customers more quickly determine whether a product fits their needs. To learn more, read the announcement.

Video Generator turns still images into engaging video ads

Video advertisements are an impactful way to connect and engage with customers. With Video Generator, you can select a product to advertise and our new, generative AI-powered tool will add motion to your images. Create visually rich content in minutes and at no additional cost. Video Generator is now available to a select group of sellers and will become broadly available to all US sellers in 2025. To learn more, read the announcement.

For more information about these and other new tools powered by generative AI, read the announcement.

Better understand the customer journey and unlock data-driven growth

We’ve launched new brand-building and analytics tools to support you across the customer journey, including to increase brand awareness, customer loyalty, and repeat purchases.

The following brand tools and capabilities will be available in the US later this year:

  • Customer Journey Analytics helps you spot trends and pain points so that you can create strategies to optimize the shopping experience and improve conversions. This tool maps an end-to-end view of the customer journey, from awareness to consideration to intent and purchase, helping sellers understand and more effectively engage with high-intent customers.
  • Enhanced Audience Tailoring enables you to offer customers tailored promotions that reflect their product interests and purchase history. This tool provides opportunities to cross-sell and refine offers so you reach customers who are ready to buy.
  • Business Planner is a new AI-powered tool that helps you identify the biggest opportunities for sales growth and profitability by compiling data across sales, traffic, and product-performance channels in an intuitive dashboard. It will also provide custom action plans that help you achieve your goals.

For more information about these new tools, read the announcement.

If you missed Amazon Accelerate, you can still watch the on-demand content for free. To register and unlock access to all on-demand content, go to

14 replies
Tags:News and Announcements
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Amazon Accelerate wraps up with new generative AI capabilities and brand analytics tools

Amazon Accelerate wrapped up today with the launch of new generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities and brand analytics tools to help you streamline your work, reach more customers, and accelerate your growth.

Project Amelia is a personalized Amazon selling expert for every seller

Powered by generative AI, Project Amelia acts as your personal Amazon selling assistant. It learns your unique business needs and provides personalized recommendations and insights to help boost productivity and drive growth. Project Amelia is currently available in beta release to a select group of sellers and will progressively roll out to additional US sellers in the coming weeks. To learn more, read the announcement.

AI-powered product titles personalize the customer experience

This new generative AI capability makes your listings more engaging to customers by personalizing how product titles appear. The feature works in the background to identify patterns and intelligently craft titles that resemble a customer’s search keywords. The added relevance helps customers more quickly determine whether a product fits their needs. To learn more, read the announcement.

Video Generator turns still images into engaging video ads

Video advertisements are an impactful way to connect and engage with customers. With Video Generator, you can select a product to advertise and our new, generative AI-powered tool will add motion to your images. Create visually rich content in minutes and at no additional cost. Video Generator is now available to a select group of sellers and will become broadly available to all US sellers in 2025. To learn more, read the announcement.

For more information about these and other new tools powered by generative AI, read the announcement.

Better understand the customer journey and unlock data-driven growth

We’ve launched new brand-building and analytics tools to support you across the customer journey, including to increase brand awareness, customer loyalty, and repeat purchases.

The following brand tools and capabilities will be available in the US later this year:

  • Customer Journey Analytics helps you spot trends and pain points so that you can create strategies to optimize the shopping experience and improve conversions. This tool maps an end-to-end view of the customer journey, from awareness to consideration to intent and purchase, helping sellers understand and more effectively engage with high-intent customers.
  • Enhanced Audience Tailoring enables you to offer customers tailored promotions that reflect their product interests and purchase history. This tool provides opportunities to cross-sell and refine offers so you reach customers who are ready to buy.
  • Business Planner is a new AI-powered tool that helps you identify the biggest opportunities for sales growth and profitability by compiling data across sales, traffic, and product-performance channels in an intuitive dashboard. It will also provide custom action plans that help you achieve your goals.

For more information about these new tools, read the announcement.

If you missed Amazon Accelerate, you can still watch the on-demand content for free. To register and unlock access to all on-demand content, go to

Tags:News and Announcements
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14 replies
user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I've been really happy with Amazons algorithm for AI updates to my listings so far, it's correct at least 15% of the time, so I'm really glad to be involuntarily partaking in a test where AI just rewrites my entire listing because it thinks the customer might be gluten free :)

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Nooooooo! Stop messing with our titles. Your assumptions are that ALL listings are equal, customers don't care about brands, and that your sellers don't know what they're doing (or don't speak English well).

The example you provide in this announcement:

demonstrates the problem.

a) I can't tell which of the two titles is supposed to be AI generated, demonstrating this isn't an improvement

b) The example you use is someone who is using word salad/keyword stuffing to try to capture the meat of the bell curve of search, and ignores that sometimes people are looking for something specific but start their search on Amazon because of stickiness. Is it a leisure table? For business/conference? A kitchen table? A table table table (I bet there's at least one more occurrence of the primary keyword)? This is about hitting search terms, not describing the object. You're outright stating that this is the goal: you metric for training the LLM is moving from search terms to listings on your own platform, as if that's the only way to discover a product. [If you want to make discovery easier, stop clogging search results with sponsored products]

c) What is the brand? Brands matter to a lot of shoppers, even though you want to eliminate brands because you onboarded so many garbage QWERTYUIOP brands while breaking the USPTO. If you're going to leave us with just the long tail, you should let us optimize titles to capture that traffic, rather than helping your Chinese sellers spam the keyword list.

This is going to end badly for a lot of sellers. Can't tell if you can't see that coming, or simply don't care.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

It be nice if you used this AI to fix your own issues with listings. If an item doesnt have the color, gender or category field completed, use the title (which usually includes all of these) to complete that information and save us time and headache.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Once again, Amazon provides "stuff" for sellers that we DON'T CARE ABOUT!!! HOW ABOUT LOWERING YOUR INSANE 42% fees???? You guys are pathetic and treat us sellers like garbage. SICK OF IT!

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Now that you are done with your myopic self-congratulations, welcome back to the real world. You have some problems to deal with:

1) The new manage inventory page still is horrible. They did not fix it while you were gone.

2) Sellers still lose featured offer ELIGIBILITY without explanation, and seller support still thinks that questions about it are about how to get the buy box, not how to gain or lose eligibility for it.

3) The number of sellers that depend on Amazon striking out bad feedback like this is increasing. Or, to put it in terms that may mean something to you, the number of customers being screwed is increasing.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Can't wait to get flagged for AI rewriting a title and stuffing it with competitors keywords or outright lying to the consumer about what is in my product.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Is your AI guardrailed enough to not violate your own policies? Certainly one of the most effective titles is one that includes similar name brands, which any LLM will have a sense of. If your metric is "get a hit in search" then this WILL happen.

How about your style guide? Will brand names be both first in the title, and not in the title if it isn't generating hits? How is that possible?

Does this work like a human? (the answer is no) Product Title (also reused in the HTML TITLE tag) is the most critical single piece of info (after maybe URL) for non-Amazon search (which many customers use, because it's better than your A7 garbage, and clogged with a minimal amount of GERMANE paid results). Will people link to Amazon when the results in Google contain clear titles that match the search phrase plus one big pile of word salad from Amazon that appears on page 3?

Have you ever once thought out a policy in advance, or are we just a huge pool of unpaid Q/A? What awful, evil things must you be doing to win e-comm with this degree of dysfunction?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Please stop already! Just let the sellers run their business the way they see fit for their needs!

Every seller is different; number of employees, business capabilities, number of products, resources, money, and the list goes on.

No one wants this AI stuff because ultimately it will screw up sellers listings and account information and god knows what else.

Use this AI and fix your own issues Amazon because there are many which continue to affect your sellers and customers who you want to have a great buying experience.

Just a guess, but with this new AI technology you have acquired, it's probably fair to say that you will increase fees AGAIN in 2025 (but you do anyway). You do know this will force sellers to raise their prices in which then trickles down to the customers. Just saying....

Best of luck to my fellow US sellers! :)

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Amazon is not as fair as it appears. They are using AI updates to damage businesses and sellers under the guise of "errors." If you're investing in the Amazon platform, do so with caution—only invest what you're willing to lose. My personal experience has been devastating: despite not violating any policies or making mistakes, Amazon took actions that ultimately destroyed my business, simply because I was competing directly with one of their own products. It's a harsh reality, but it's the truth.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

When I was depressed about the worst seller support team in the history of commerce, the first thing i thought of was "wouldn't it be wonderful if Amazon introduced AI into this disaster?" Since AI is trained on historical information, here it will be an amalgam of all the lies, wrong answers and business ending bad advice from the poorly trained "support" and bad actors of the last decade.


user profile

Amazon Accelerate wraps up with new generative AI capabilities and brand analytics tools

Amazon Accelerate wrapped up today with the launch of new generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities and brand analytics tools to help you streamline your work, reach more customers, and accelerate your growth.

Project Amelia is a personalized Amazon selling expert for every seller

Powered by generative AI, Project Amelia acts as your personal Amazon selling assistant. It learns your unique business needs and provides personalized recommendations and insights to help boost productivity and drive growth. Project Amelia is currently available in beta release to a select group of sellers and will progressively roll out to additional US sellers in the coming weeks. To learn more, read the announcement.

AI-powered product titles personalize the customer experience

This new generative AI capability makes your listings more engaging to customers by personalizing how product titles appear. The feature works in the background to identify patterns and intelligently craft titles that resemble a customer’s search keywords. The added relevance helps customers more quickly determine whether a product fits their needs. To learn more, read the announcement.

Video Generator turns still images into engaging video ads

Video advertisements are an impactful way to connect and engage with customers. With Video Generator, you can select a product to advertise and our new, generative AI-powered tool will add motion to your images. Create visually rich content in minutes and at no additional cost. Video Generator is now available to a select group of sellers and will become broadly available to all US sellers in 2025. To learn more, read the announcement.

For more information about these and other new tools powered by generative AI, read the announcement.

Better understand the customer journey and unlock data-driven growth

We’ve launched new brand-building and analytics tools to support you across the customer journey, including to increase brand awareness, customer loyalty, and repeat purchases.

The following brand tools and capabilities will be available in the US later this year:

  • Customer Journey Analytics helps you spot trends and pain points so that you can create strategies to optimize the shopping experience and improve conversions. This tool maps an end-to-end view of the customer journey, from awareness to consideration to intent and purchase, helping sellers understand and more effectively engage with high-intent customers.
  • Enhanced Audience Tailoring enables you to offer customers tailored promotions that reflect their product interests and purchase history. This tool provides opportunities to cross-sell and refine offers so you reach customers who are ready to buy.
  • Business Planner is a new AI-powered tool that helps you identify the biggest opportunities for sales growth and profitability by compiling data across sales, traffic, and product-performance channels in an intuitive dashboard. It will also provide custom action plans that help you achieve your goals.

For more information about these new tools, read the announcement.

If you missed Amazon Accelerate, you can still watch the on-demand content for free. To register and unlock access to all on-demand content, go to

14 replies
Tags:News and Announcements
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Amazon Accelerate wraps up with new generative AI capabilities and brand analytics tools

Amazon Accelerate wrapped up today with the launch of new generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities and brand analytics tools to help you streamline your work, reach more customers, and accelerate your growth.

Project Amelia is a personalized Amazon selling expert for every seller

Powered by generative AI, Project Amelia acts as your personal Amazon selling assistant. It learns your unique business needs and provides personalized recommendations and insights to help boost productivity and drive growth. Project Amelia is currently available in beta release to a select group of sellers and will progressively roll out to additional US sellers in the coming weeks. To learn more, read the announcement.

AI-powered product titles personalize the customer experience

This new generative AI capability makes your listings more engaging to customers by personalizing how product titles appear. The feature works in the background to identify patterns and intelligently craft titles that resemble a customer’s search keywords. The added relevance helps customers more quickly determine whether a product fits their needs. To learn more, read the announcement.

Video Generator turns still images into engaging video ads

Video advertisements are an impactful way to connect and engage with customers. With Video Generator, you can select a product to advertise and our new, generative AI-powered tool will add motion to your images. Create visually rich content in minutes and at no additional cost. Video Generator is now available to a select group of sellers and will become broadly available to all US sellers in 2025. To learn more, read the announcement.

For more information about these and other new tools powered by generative AI, read the announcement.

Better understand the customer journey and unlock data-driven growth

We’ve launched new brand-building and analytics tools to support you across the customer journey, including to increase brand awareness, customer loyalty, and repeat purchases.

The following brand tools and capabilities will be available in the US later this year:

  • Customer Journey Analytics helps you spot trends and pain points so that you can create strategies to optimize the shopping experience and improve conversions. This tool maps an end-to-end view of the customer journey, from awareness to consideration to intent and purchase, helping sellers understand and more effectively engage with high-intent customers.
  • Enhanced Audience Tailoring enables you to offer customers tailored promotions that reflect their product interests and purchase history. This tool provides opportunities to cross-sell and refine offers so you reach customers who are ready to buy.
  • Business Planner is a new AI-powered tool that helps you identify the biggest opportunities for sales growth and profitability by compiling data across sales, traffic, and product-performance channels in an intuitive dashboard. It will also provide custom action plans that help you achieve your goals.

For more information about these new tools, read the announcement.

If you missed Amazon Accelerate, you can still watch the on-demand content for free. To register and unlock access to all on-demand content, go to

Tags:News and Announcements
14 replies
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Amazon Accelerate wraps up with new generative AI capabilities and brand analytics tools

by News_Amazon

Amazon Accelerate wrapped up today with the launch of new generative artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities and brand analytics tools to help you streamline your work, reach more customers, and accelerate your growth.

Project Amelia is a personalized Amazon selling expert for every seller

Powered by generative AI, Project Amelia acts as your personal Amazon selling assistant. It learns your unique business needs and provides personalized recommendations and insights to help boost productivity and drive growth. Project Amelia is currently available in beta release to a select group of sellers and will progressively roll out to additional US sellers in the coming weeks. To learn more, read the announcement.

AI-powered product titles personalize the customer experience

This new generative AI capability makes your listings more engaging to customers by personalizing how product titles appear. The feature works in the background to identify patterns and intelligently craft titles that resemble a customer’s search keywords. The added relevance helps customers more quickly determine whether a product fits their needs. To learn more, read the announcement.

Video Generator turns still images into engaging video ads

Video advertisements are an impactful way to connect and engage with customers. With Video Generator, you can select a product to advertise and our new, generative AI-powered tool will add motion to your images. Create visually rich content in minutes and at no additional cost. Video Generator is now available to a select group of sellers and will become broadly available to all US sellers in 2025. To learn more, read the announcement.

For more information about these and other new tools powered by generative AI, read the announcement.

Better understand the customer journey and unlock data-driven growth

We’ve launched new brand-building and analytics tools to support you across the customer journey, including to increase brand awareness, customer loyalty, and repeat purchases.

The following brand tools and capabilities will be available in the US later this year:

  • Customer Journey Analytics helps you spot trends and pain points so that you can create strategies to optimize the shopping experience and improve conversions. This tool maps an end-to-end view of the customer journey, from awareness to consideration to intent and purchase, helping sellers understand and more effectively engage with high-intent customers.
  • Enhanced Audience Tailoring enables you to offer customers tailored promotions that reflect their product interests and purchase history. This tool provides opportunities to cross-sell and refine offers so you reach customers who are ready to buy.
  • Business Planner is a new AI-powered tool that helps you identify the biggest opportunities for sales growth and profitability by compiling data across sales, traffic, and product-performance channels in an intuitive dashboard. It will also provide custom action plans that help you achieve your goals.

For more information about these new tools, read the announcement.

If you missed Amazon Accelerate, you can still watch the on-demand content for free. To register and unlock access to all on-demand content, go to

Tags:News and Announcements
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user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I've been really happy with Amazons algorithm for AI updates to my listings so far, it's correct at least 15% of the time, so I'm really glad to be involuntarily partaking in a test where AI just rewrites my entire listing because it thinks the customer might be gluten free :)

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Nooooooo! Stop messing with our titles. Your assumptions are that ALL listings are equal, customers don't care about brands, and that your sellers don't know what they're doing (or don't speak English well).

The example you provide in this announcement:

demonstrates the problem.

a) I can't tell which of the two titles is supposed to be AI generated, demonstrating this isn't an improvement

b) The example you use is someone who is using word salad/keyword stuffing to try to capture the meat of the bell curve of search, and ignores that sometimes people are looking for something specific but start their search on Amazon because of stickiness. Is it a leisure table? For business/conference? A kitchen table? A table table table (I bet there's at least one more occurrence of the primary keyword)? This is about hitting search terms, not describing the object. You're outright stating that this is the goal: you metric for training the LLM is moving from search terms to listings on your own platform, as if that's the only way to discover a product. [If you want to make discovery easier, stop clogging search results with sponsored products]

c) What is the brand? Brands matter to a lot of shoppers, even though you want to eliminate brands because you onboarded so many garbage QWERTYUIOP brands while breaking the USPTO. If you're going to leave us with just the long tail, you should let us optimize titles to capture that traffic, rather than helping your Chinese sellers spam the keyword list.

This is going to end badly for a lot of sellers. Can't tell if you can't see that coming, or simply don't care.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

It be nice if you used this AI to fix your own issues with listings. If an item doesnt have the color, gender or category field completed, use the title (which usually includes all of these) to complete that information and save us time and headache.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Once again, Amazon provides "stuff" for sellers that we DON'T CARE ABOUT!!! HOW ABOUT LOWERING YOUR INSANE 42% fees???? You guys are pathetic and treat us sellers like garbage. SICK OF IT!

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Now that you are done with your myopic self-congratulations, welcome back to the real world. You have some problems to deal with:

1) The new manage inventory page still is horrible. They did not fix it while you were gone.

2) Sellers still lose featured offer ELIGIBILITY without explanation, and seller support still thinks that questions about it are about how to get the buy box, not how to gain or lose eligibility for it.

3) The number of sellers that depend on Amazon striking out bad feedback like this is increasing. Or, to put it in terms that may mean something to you, the number of customers being screwed is increasing.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Can't wait to get flagged for AI rewriting a title and stuffing it with competitors keywords or outright lying to the consumer about what is in my product.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Is your AI guardrailed enough to not violate your own policies? Certainly one of the most effective titles is one that includes similar name brands, which any LLM will have a sense of. If your metric is "get a hit in search" then this WILL happen.

How about your style guide? Will brand names be both first in the title, and not in the title if it isn't generating hits? How is that possible?

Does this work like a human? (the answer is no) Product Title (also reused in the HTML TITLE tag) is the most critical single piece of info (after maybe URL) for non-Amazon search (which many customers use, because it's better than your A7 garbage, and clogged with a minimal amount of GERMANE paid results). Will people link to Amazon when the results in Google contain clear titles that match the search phrase plus one big pile of word salad from Amazon that appears on page 3?

Have you ever once thought out a policy in advance, or are we just a huge pool of unpaid Q/A? What awful, evil things must you be doing to win e-comm with this degree of dysfunction?

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Please stop already! Just let the sellers run their business the way they see fit for their needs!

Every seller is different; number of employees, business capabilities, number of products, resources, money, and the list goes on.

No one wants this AI stuff because ultimately it will screw up sellers listings and account information and god knows what else.

Use this AI and fix your own issues Amazon because there are many which continue to affect your sellers and customers who you want to have a great buying experience.

Just a guess, but with this new AI technology you have acquired, it's probably fair to say that you will increase fees AGAIN in 2025 (but you do anyway). You do know this will force sellers to raise their prices in which then trickles down to the customers. Just saying....

Best of luck to my fellow US sellers! :)

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Amazon is not as fair as it appears. They are using AI updates to damage businesses and sellers under the guise of "errors." If you're investing in the Amazon platform, do so with caution—only invest what you're willing to lose. My personal experience has been devastating: despite not violating any policies or making mistakes, Amazon took actions that ultimately destroyed my business, simply because I was competing directly with one of their own products. It's a harsh reality, but it's the truth.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

When I was depressed about the worst seller support team in the history of commerce, the first thing i thought of was "wouldn't it be wonderful if Amazon introduced AI into this disaster?" Since AI is trained on historical information, here it will be an amalgam of all the lies, wrong answers and business ending bad advice from the poorly trained "support" and bad actors of the last decade.


user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I've been really happy with Amazons algorithm for AI updates to my listings so far, it's correct at least 15% of the time, so I'm really glad to be involuntarily partaking in a test where AI just rewrites my entire listing because it thinks the customer might be gluten free :)

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

I've been really happy with Amazons algorithm for AI updates to my listings so far, it's correct at least 15% of the time, so I'm really glad to be involuntarily partaking in a test where AI just rewrites my entire listing because it thinks the customer might be gluten free :)

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Nooooooo! Stop messing with our titles. Your assumptions are that ALL listings are equal, customers don't care about brands, and that your sellers don't know what they're doing (or don't speak English well).

The example you provide in this announcement:

demonstrates the problem.

a) I can't tell which of the two titles is supposed to be AI generated, demonstrating this isn't an improvement

b) The example you use is someone who is using word salad/keyword stuffing to try to capture the meat of the bell curve of search, and ignores that sometimes people are looking for something specific but start their search on Amazon because of stickiness. Is it a leisure table? For business/conference? A kitchen table? A table table table (I bet there's at least one more occurrence of the primary keyword)? This is about hitting search terms, not describing the object. You're outright stating that this is the goal: you metric for training the LLM is moving from search terms to listings on your own platform, as if that's the only way to discover a product. [If you want to make discovery easier, stop clogging search results with sponsored products]

c) What is the brand? Brands matter to a lot of shoppers, even though you want to eliminate brands because you onboarded so many garbage QWERTYUIOP brands while breaking the USPTO. If you're going to leave us with just the long tail, you should let us optimize titles to capture that traffic, rather than helping your Chinese sellers spam the keyword list.

This is going to end badly for a lot of sellers. Can't tell if you can't see that coming, or simply don't care.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Nooooooo! Stop messing with our titles. Your assumptions are that ALL listings are equal, customers don't care about brands, and that your sellers don't know what they're doing (or don't speak English well).

The example you provide in this announcement:

demonstrates the problem.

a) I can't tell which of the two titles is supposed to be AI generated, demonstrating this isn't an improvement

b) The example you use is someone who is using word salad/keyword stuffing to try to capture the meat of the bell curve of search, and ignores that sometimes people are looking for something specific but start their search on Amazon because of stickiness. Is it a leisure table? For business/conference? A kitchen table? A table table table (I bet there's at least one more occurrence of the primary keyword)? This is about hitting search terms, not describing the object. You're outright stating that this is the goal: you metric for training the LLM is moving from search terms to listings on your own platform, as if that's the only way to discover a product. [If you want to make discovery easier, stop clogging search results with sponsored products]

c) What is the brand? Brands matter to a lot of shoppers, even though you want to eliminate brands because you onboarded so many garbage QWERTYUIOP brands while breaking the USPTO. If you're going to leave us with just the long tail, you should let us optimize titles to capture that traffic, rather than helping your Chinese sellers spam the keyword list.

This is going to end badly for a lot of sellers. Can't tell if you can't see that coming, or simply don't care.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

It be nice if you used this AI to fix your own issues with listings. If an item doesnt have the color, gender or category field completed, use the title (which usually includes all of these) to complete that information and save us time and headache.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

It be nice if you used this AI to fix your own issues with listings. If an item doesnt have the color, gender or category field completed, use the title (which usually includes all of these) to complete that information and save us time and headache.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Once again, Amazon provides "stuff" for sellers that we DON'T CARE ABOUT!!! HOW ABOUT LOWERING YOUR INSANE 42% fees???? You guys are pathetic and treat us sellers like garbage. SICK OF IT!

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Once again, Amazon provides "stuff" for sellers that we DON'T CARE ABOUT!!! HOW ABOUT LOWERING YOUR INSANE 42% fees???? You guys are pathetic and treat us sellers like garbage. SICK OF IT!

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Now that you are done with your myopic self-congratulations, welcome back to the real world. You have some problems to deal with:

1) The new manage inventory page still is horrible. They did not fix it while you were gone.

2) Sellers still lose featured offer ELIGIBILITY without explanation, and seller support still thinks that questions about it are about how to get the buy box, not how to gain or lose eligibility for it.

3) The number of sellers that depend on Amazon striking out bad feedback like this is increasing. Or, to put it in terms that may mean something to you, the number of customers being screwed is increasing.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Now that you are done with your myopic self-congratulations, welcome back to the real world. You have some problems to deal with:

1) The new manage inventory page still is horrible. They did not fix it while you were gone.

2) Sellers still lose featured offer ELIGIBILITY without explanation, and seller support still thinks that questions about it are about how to get the buy box, not how to gain or lose eligibility for it.

3) The number of sellers that depend on Amazon striking out bad feedback like this is increasing. Or, to put it in terms that may mean something to you, the number of customers being screwed is increasing.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Can't wait to get flagged for AI rewriting a title and stuffing it with competitors keywords or outright lying to the consumer about what is in my product.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Can't wait to get flagged for AI rewriting a title and stuffing it with competitors keywords or outright lying to the consumer about what is in my product.

user profile
In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Is your AI guardrailed enough to not violate your own policies? Certainly one of the most effective titles is one that includes similar name brands, which any LLM will have a sense of. If your metric is "get a hit in search" then this WILL happen.

How about your style guide? Will brand names be both first in the title, and not in the title if it isn't generating hits? How is that possible?

Does this work like a human? (the answer is no) Product Title (also reused in the HTML TITLE tag) is the most critical single piece of info (after maybe URL) for non-Amazon search (which many customers use, because it's better than your A7 garbage, and clogged with a minimal amount of GERMANE paid results). Will people link to Amazon when the results in Google contain clear titles that match the search phrase plus one big pile of word salad from Amazon that appears on page 3?

Have you ever once thought out a policy in advance, or are we just a huge pool of unpaid Q/A? What awful, evil things must you be doing to win e-comm with this degree of dysfunction?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Is your AI guardrailed enough to not violate your own policies? Certainly one of the most effective titles is one that includes similar name brands, which any LLM will have a sense of. If your metric is "get a hit in search" then this WILL happen.

How about your style guide? Will brand names be both first in the title, and not in the title if it isn't generating hits? How is that possible?

Does this work like a human? (the answer is no) Product Title (also reused in the HTML TITLE tag) is the most critical single piece of info (after maybe URL) for non-Amazon search (which many customers use, because it's better than your A7 garbage, and clogged with a minimal amount of GERMANE paid results). Will people link to Amazon when the results in Google contain clear titles that match the search phrase plus one big pile of word salad from Amazon that appears on page 3?

Have you ever once thought out a policy in advance, or are we just a huge pool of unpaid Q/A? What awful, evil things must you be doing to win e-comm with this degree of dysfunction?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Please stop already! Just let the sellers run their business the way they see fit for their needs!

Every seller is different; number of employees, business capabilities, number of products, resources, money, and the list goes on.

No one wants this AI stuff because ultimately it will screw up sellers listings and account information and god knows what else.

Use this AI and fix your own issues Amazon because there are many which continue to affect your sellers and customers who you want to have a great buying experience.

Just a guess, but with this new AI technology you have acquired, it's probably fair to say that you will increase fees AGAIN in 2025 (but you do anyway). You do know this will force sellers to raise their prices in which then trickles down to the customers. Just saying....

Best of luck to my fellow US sellers! :)

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Please stop already! Just let the sellers run their business the way they see fit for their needs!

Every seller is different; number of employees, business capabilities, number of products, resources, money, and the list goes on.

No one wants this AI stuff because ultimately it will screw up sellers listings and account information and god knows what else.

Use this AI and fix your own issues Amazon because there are many which continue to affect your sellers and customers who you want to have a great buying experience.

Just a guess, but with this new AI technology you have acquired, it's probably fair to say that you will increase fees AGAIN in 2025 (but you do anyway). You do know this will force sellers to raise their prices in which then trickles down to the customers. Just saying....

Best of luck to my fellow US sellers! :)

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Amazon is not as fair as it appears. They are using AI updates to damage businesses and sellers under the guise of "errors." If you're investing in the Amazon platform, do so with caution—only invest what you're willing to lose. My personal experience has been devastating: despite not violating any policies or making mistakes, Amazon took actions that ultimately destroyed my business, simply because I was competing directly with one of their own products. It's a harsh reality, but it's the truth.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Amazon is not as fair as it appears. They are using AI updates to damage businesses and sellers under the guise of "errors." If you're investing in the Amazon platform, do so with caution—only invest what you're willing to lose. My personal experience has been devastating: despite not violating any policies or making mistakes, Amazon took actions that ultimately destroyed my business, simply because I was competing directly with one of their own products. It's a harsh reality, but it's the truth.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

When I was depressed about the worst seller support team in the history of commerce, the first thing i thought of was "wouldn't it be wonderful if Amazon introduced AI into this disaster?" Since AI is trained on historical information, here it will be an amalgam of all the lies, wrong answers and business ending bad advice from the poorly trained "support" and bad actors of the last decade.


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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

When I was depressed about the worst seller support team in the history of commerce, the first thing i thought of was "wouldn't it be wonderful if Amazon introduced AI into this disaster?" Since AI is trained on historical information, here it will be an amalgam of all the lies, wrong answers and business ending bad advice from the poorly trained "support" and bad actors of the last decade.



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