Fake reviews
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Fake reviews

There is lot of jealousy and fake reviews going on the Amazon.

Some sellers intentionally ask their friends to buy products from their competition, and then give a bad review to their competition.

We recently received an order for quantity of 6, and were worried in advance that it will result in bad review with all kinds of fake scenarios.

This reviewer is saying that we are selling fake products, and they received only 5 items. We made 100% sure that quantity was 6 when we shipped.

Problem is that there is no way in finding that these reviewers are fake. They accomplished in damaging our reputation, and also will succeed in getting the refund.

Majority of the customers are genuine customers, and they always give fair review.

We received lot of good reviews from other customers for same product.

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Tags:Negative reviews
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Hello @Seller_KMZAG8AH4xpHg,

Thank you for posting here at the forums and sharing your sentiment about reviews.

If you received reviews that you think violate our Community Guidelines, use the Report abuse link next to the review to report it. You can also send email to community-help@amazon.com, specifying the location of the content and the reason you believe it violates the guidelines.

For privacy reasons, the results of the investigations can't be disclosed, but we'll take any disciplinary actions we find appropriate.

Hole this helps!

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