We are having exactly the same issue as others are posting. We update the listing but it will not update. You can see in Seller Central the updates that we completed but what reflects on Amazon above it does not change. Our inventory is stranded and appeal after appeal is rejected.
We have a variation set of birthstone charms that specifically state in the listing "For Mothers and Grandmothers." We also list in the bullets that it is intended for adult use only. We removed ANY word that could possibly point to a girl, boy, baby, kid, child, etc. They even approved 19 of them, leaving 5 charms, two simple box chains, and a pendant holder not approved after multiple appeals. This has completely ruined the entire listing. People can not purchase all of the ones they need so they move on to another listing.
Wake up Amazon. You are ruining the jewelry category. If it is not children's jewelry and does not have compliance reports, then SIMPLE Don't put it in the girl's category! Why do you even have us send the department name if you are not going to use it. We have size 12 rings that are huge statement rings, wedding bands, mens stainless steel rings, all being rejected.
Everyone facing this please post here so we can try to get some help with this issue. It is pointless to tell us to all open a new thread. Can we get it all consolidated to receive some help!
These are all cases for ASINs that part of the variations were approved and these were not. How is it even legal to say this size or color is chidrens jewelry but others that are the same design but different color are not and approved!
Mods Please help.
@SEAmod@Emet_Amazon@Nikki_Amazon @Cooper_Amazon@Rose_Amazon@Glenn_Amazon@Danny_Amazon@Manny_Amazon
We are having exactly the same issue as others are posting. We update the listing but it will not update. You can see in Seller Central the updates that we completed but what reflects on Amazon above it does not change. Our inventory is stranded and appeal after appeal is rejected.
We have a variation set of birthstone charms that specifically state in the listing "For Mothers and Grandmothers." We also list in the bullets that it is intended for adult use only. We removed ANY word that could possibly point to a girl, boy, baby, kid, child, etc. They even approved 19 of them, leaving 5 charms, two simple box chains, and a pendant holder not approved after multiple appeals. This has completely ruined the entire listing. People can not purchase all of the ones they need so they move on to another listing.
Wake up Amazon. You are ruining the jewelry category. If it is not children's jewelry and does not have compliance reports, then SIMPLE Don't put it in the girl's category! Why do you even have us send the department name if you are not going to use it. We have size 12 rings that are huge statement rings, wedding bands, mens stainless steel rings, all being rejected.
Everyone facing this please post here so we can try to get some help with this issue. It is pointless to tell us to all open a new thread. Can we get it all consolidated to receive some help!
These are all cases for ASINs that part of the variations were approved and these were not. How is it even legal to say this size or color is chidrens jewelry but others that are the same design but different color are not and approved!
Mods Please help.
@SEAmod@Emet_Amazon@Nikki_Amazon @Cooper_Amazon@Rose_Amazon@Glenn_Amazon@Danny_Amazon@Manny_Amazon
Thanks @Seller_U5xJgOXkSlNmU,
I've currently reached out to our internal escalation team to review these submissions and products. Please note I can't guarantee the ASINs will be able to be reinstated but I will do what I can to advocate for you on my end. Thank you for your understanding.
This just gets more absurd
So high schools have girls sports teams, these "girls" drive cars and according to Amaozn are children ?
We added a bullet "not intended for children 12 and under " and received a reply that, that indicates the item is for a child?
Someone at Amazon thinks and I use that term loosely that "not intended for children 12 and under" indicates an item is for a child? Really ?
I can't get any help. They are telling me that scissors jewelry meant for hairdressers and beauty school students/graduates is children's jewelry. I've made many posts about the absurdity of it all.
Nobody at Amazon cares.
I'm having the same issue. I'm trying to update the title to remove kids from the title, but it just won't update. And the appeals are getting rejected because they are saying that the keyword 'kids' is present in the listing.
If anyone figures this out, please let us know.
Its absolutely absurd right now. We sell items for Sweet 16 - specifically for a 16 birthday. Says so on the item - there is no doubt. But we have had to remove all references to "girl" or "teen" or "teenager" since that triggers the childrens jewelry bot.
I don't know if the appeal process is human or AI - even chatgpt is laughing at this idiocy. But nobody or nothing in the appeals process can read it seems. This whole thing is a farce.
I am starting to get a few approvals through this morning. Maybe there is a little hope that this will get cleared. Please post if you are seeing any changes. Just Keep appealing. Do not give up!
It's beyond crazy. Just gonna pull them all off the platform. Not worth the effort to appeal or comply.
If there is anyone who has had the compliance completed and successfully approved by Amazon, please tell me exactly what reports we need? We do not intend for the jewelry to be for very young children, but if we want to use the words girl, boy, baby, and grandchild to describe "Baby Charms" meant for a family tree necklace for mom or grandma, it seems we will need to get them approved so they stop doing this. Can you give us a little guidance so that we can get this done quickly. Is there a lab that you would recommend? Any help here is greatly appreciated.
We do have the same issue. I think Amazon uses some kind of algorithm to track keywords like "girls" or "baby" or "children". If you put "not for children" in the bullet point, you will get blocked. It's a joke now. And if you appeal with bulk, or even edit the item it won't update.
It becomes really hard to sell anything (especially jewelry) on Amazon. It gets worst day by day. I wish they would just leave us alone.
Just keep appealing. I've got half of mine cleared out without making any changes to my listing. I didn't even change anything with the appeal. I don't know why they rejected my appeal 4-5 times, then approve it on the 6th try.
Hi there @Seller_U5xJgOXkSlNmU,
I'm sorry you are having difficulties with getting your products reviewed properly. I would recommend that you reach out with a full list of all impacted ASINs and ensure that all products are reviewed individually to ensure they don't have any children terms associated with them. Each ASIN has its own individual contributions, which might account for the variance in resolutions.
If you run into trouble trying to get the full list of ASINs reviewed, please provide the Case ID here and I will investigate further. Thank you for your understanding.
We are having exactly the same issue as others are posting. We update the listing but it will not update. You can see in Seller Central the updates that we completed but what reflects on Amazon above it does not change. Our inventory is stranded and appeal after appeal is rejected.
We have a variation set of birthstone charms that specifically state in the listing "For Mothers and Grandmothers." We also list in the bullets that it is intended for adult use only. We removed ANY word that could possibly point to a girl, boy, baby, kid, child, etc. They even approved 19 of them, leaving 5 charms, two simple box chains, and a pendant holder not approved after multiple appeals. This has completely ruined the entire listing. People can not purchase all of the ones they need so they move on to another listing.
Wake up Amazon. You are ruining the jewelry category. If it is not children's jewelry and does not have compliance reports, then SIMPLE Don't put it in the girl's category! Why do you even have us send the department name if you are not going to use it. We have size 12 rings that are huge statement rings, wedding bands, mens stainless steel rings, all being rejected.
Everyone facing this please post here so we can try to get some help with this issue. It is pointless to tell us to all open a new thread. Can we get it all consolidated to receive some help!
These are all cases for ASINs that part of the variations were approved and these were not. How is it even legal to say this size or color is chidrens jewelry but others that are the same design but different color are not and approved!
Mods Please help.
@SEAmod@Emet_Amazon@Nikki_Amazon @Cooper_Amazon@Rose_Amazon@Glenn_Amazon@Danny_Amazon@Manny_Amazon
We are having exactly the same issue as others are posting. We update the listing but it will not update. You can see in Seller Central the updates that we completed but what reflects on Amazon above it does not change. Our inventory is stranded and appeal after appeal is rejected.
We have a variation set of birthstone charms that specifically state in the listing "For Mothers and Grandmothers." We also list in the bullets that it is intended for adult use only. We removed ANY word that could possibly point to a girl, boy, baby, kid, child, etc. They even approved 19 of them, leaving 5 charms, two simple box chains, and a pendant holder not approved after multiple appeals. This has completely ruined the entire listing. People can not purchase all of the ones they need so they move on to another listing.
Wake up Amazon. You are ruining the jewelry category. If it is not children's jewelry and does not have compliance reports, then SIMPLE Don't put it in the girl's category! Why do you even have us send the department name if you are not going to use it. We have size 12 rings that are huge statement rings, wedding bands, mens stainless steel rings, all being rejected.
Everyone facing this please post here so we can try to get some help with this issue. It is pointless to tell us to all open a new thread. Can we get it all consolidated to receive some help!
These are all cases for ASINs that part of the variations were approved and these were not. How is it even legal to say this size or color is chidrens jewelry but others that are the same design but different color are not and approved!
Mods Please help.
@SEAmod@Emet_Amazon@Nikki_Amazon @Cooper_Amazon@Rose_Amazon@Glenn_Amazon@Danny_Amazon@Manny_Amazon
We are having exactly the same issue as others are posting. We update the listing but it will not update. You can see in Seller Central the updates that we completed but what reflects on Amazon above it does not change. Our inventory is stranded and appeal after appeal is rejected.
We have a variation set of birthstone charms that specifically state in the listing "For Mothers and Grandmothers." We also list in the bullets that it is intended for adult use only. We removed ANY word that could possibly point to a girl, boy, baby, kid, child, etc. They even approved 19 of them, leaving 5 charms, two simple box chains, and a pendant holder not approved after multiple appeals. This has completely ruined the entire listing. People can not purchase all of the ones they need so they move on to another listing.
Wake up Amazon. You are ruining the jewelry category. If it is not children's jewelry and does not have compliance reports, then SIMPLE Don't put it in the girl's category! Why do you even have us send the department name if you are not going to use it. We have size 12 rings that are huge statement rings, wedding bands, mens stainless steel rings, all being rejected.
Everyone facing this please post here so we can try to get some help with this issue. It is pointless to tell us to all open a new thread. Can we get it all consolidated to receive some help!
These are all cases for ASINs that part of the variations were approved and these were not. How is it even legal to say this size or color is chidrens jewelry but others that are the same design but different color are not and approved!
Mods Please help.
@SEAmod@Emet_Amazon@Nikki_Amazon @Cooper_Amazon@Rose_Amazon@Glenn_Amazon@Danny_Amazon@Manny_Amazon
Thanks @Seller_U5xJgOXkSlNmU,
I've currently reached out to our internal escalation team to review these submissions and products. Please note I can't guarantee the ASINs will be able to be reinstated but I will do what I can to advocate for you on my end. Thank you for your understanding.
Thanks @Seller_U5xJgOXkSlNmU,
I've currently reached out to our internal escalation team to review these submissions and products. Please note I can't guarantee the ASINs will be able to be reinstated but I will do what I can to advocate for you on my end. Thank you for your understanding.
Thanks @Seller_U5xJgOXkSlNmU,
I've currently reached out to our internal escalation team to review these submissions and products. Please note I can't guarantee the ASINs will be able to be reinstated but I will do what I can to advocate for you on my end. Thank you for your understanding.
This just gets more absurd
So high schools have girls sports teams, these "girls" drive cars and according to Amaozn are children ?
We added a bullet "not intended for children 12 and under " and received a reply that, that indicates the item is for a child?
Someone at Amazon thinks and I use that term loosely that "not intended for children 12 and under" indicates an item is for a child? Really ?
I can't get any help. They are telling me that scissors jewelry meant for hairdressers and beauty school students/graduates is children's jewelry. I've made many posts about the absurdity of it all.
Nobody at Amazon cares.
I'm having the same issue. I'm trying to update the title to remove kids from the title, but it just won't update. And the appeals are getting rejected because they are saying that the keyword 'kids' is present in the listing.
If anyone figures this out, please let us know.
Its absolutely absurd right now. We sell items for Sweet 16 - specifically for a 16 birthday. Says so on the item - there is no doubt. But we have had to remove all references to "girl" or "teen" or "teenager" since that triggers the childrens jewelry bot.
I don't know if the appeal process is human or AI - even chatgpt is laughing at this idiocy. But nobody or nothing in the appeals process can read it seems. This whole thing is a farce.
I am starting to get a few approvals through this morning. Maybe there is a little hope that this will get cleared. Please post if you are seeing any changes. Just Keep appealing. Do not give up!
It's beyond crazy. Just gonna pull them all off the platform. Not worth the effort to appeal or comply.
If there is anyone who has had the compliance completed and successfully approved by Amazon, please tell me exactly what reports we need? We do not intend for the jewelry to be for very young children, but if we want to use the words girl, boy, baby, and grandchild to describe "Baby Charms" meant for a family tree necklace for mom or grandma, it seems we will need to get them approved so they stop doing this. Can you give us a little guidance so that we can get this done quickly. Is there a lab that you would recommend? Any help here is greatly appreciated.
We do have the same issue. I think Amazon uses some kind of algorithm to track keywords like "girls" or "baby" or "children". If you put "not for children" in the bullet point, you will get blocked. It's a joke now. And if you appeal with bulk, or even edit the item it won't update.
It becomes really hard to sell anything (especially jewelry) on Amazon. It gets worst day by day. I wish they would just leave us alone.
Just keep appealing. I've got half of mine cleared out without making any changes to my listing. I didn't even change anything with the appeal. I don't know why they rejected my appeal 4-5 times, then approve it on the 6th try.
Hi there @Seller_U5xJgOXkSlNmU,
I'm sorry you are having difficulties with getting your products reviewed properly. I would recommend that you reach out with a full list of all impacted ASINs and ensure that all products are reviewed individually to ensure they don't have any children terms associated with them. Each ASIN has its own individual contributions, which might account for the variance in resolutions.
If you run into trouble trying to get the full list of ASINs reviewed, please provide the Case ID here and I will investigate further. Thank you for your understanding.
This just gets more absurd
So high schools have girls sports teams, these "girls" drive cars and according to Amaozn are children ?
We added a bullet "not intended for children 12 and under " and received a reply that, that indicates the item is for a child?
Someone at Amazon thinks and I use that term loosely that "not intended for children 12 and under" indicates an item is for a child? Really ?
This just gets more absurd
So high schools have girls sports teams, these "girls" drive cars and according to Amaozn are children ?
We added a bullet "not intended for children 12 and under " and received a reply that, that indicates the item is for a child?
Someone at Amazon thinks and I use that term loosely that "not intended for children 12 and under" indicates an item is for a child? Really ?
I can't get any help. They are telling me that scissors jewelry meant for hairdressers and beauty school students/graduates is children's jewelry. I've made many posts about the absurdity of it all.
Nobody at Amazon cares.
I can't get any help. They are telling me that scissors jewelry meant for hairdressers and beauty school students/graduates is children's jewelry. I've made many posts about the absurdity of it all.
Nobody at Amazon cares.
I'm having the same issue. I'm trying to update the title to remove kids from the title, but it just won't update. And the appeals are getting rejected because they are saying that the keyword 'kids' is present in the listing.
If anyone figures this out, please let us know.
I'm having the same issue. I'm trying to update the title to remove kids from the title, but it just won't update. And the appeals are getting rejected because they are saying that the keyword 'kids' is present in the listing.
If anyone figures this out, please let us know.
Its absolutely absurd right now. We sell items for Sweet 16 - specifically for a 16 birthday. Says so on the item - there is no doubt. But we have had to remove all references to "girl" or "teen" or "teenager" since that triggers the childrens jewelry bot.
I don't know if the appeal process is human or AI - even chatgpt is laughing at this idiocy. But nobody or nothing in the appeals process can read it seems. This whole thing is a farce.
Its absolutely absurd right now. We sell items for Sweet 16 - specifically for a 16 birthday. Says so on the item - there is no doubt. But we have had to remove all references to "girl" or "teen" or "teenager" since that triggers the childrens jewelry bot.
I don't know if the appeal process is human or AI - even chatgpt is laughing at this idiocy. But nobody or nothing in the appeals process can read it seems. This whole thing is a farce.
I am starting to get a few approvals through this morning. Maybe there is a little hope that this will get cleared. Please post if you are seeing any changes. Just Keep appealing. Do not give up!
I am starting to get a few approvals through this morning. Maybe there is a little hope that this will get cleared. Please post if you are seeing any changes. Just Keep appealing. Do not give up!
It's beyond crazy. Just gonna pull them all off the platform. Not worth the effort to appeal or comply.
It's beyond crazy. Just gonna pull them all off the platform. Not worth the effort to appeal or comply.
If there is anyone who has had the compliance completed and successfully approved by Amazon, please tell me exactly what reports we need? We do not intend for the jewelry to be for very young children, but if we want to use the words girl, boy, baby, and grandchild to describe "Baby Charms" meant for a family tree necklace for mom or grandma, it seems we will need to get them approved so they stop doing this. Can you give us a little guidance so that we can get this done quickly. Is there a lab that you would recommend? Any help here is greatly appreciated.
If there is anyone who has had the compliance completed and successfully approved by Amazon, please tell me exactly what reports we need? We do not intend for the jewelry to be for very young children, but if we want to use the words girl, boy, baby, and grandchild to describe "Baby Charms" meant for a family tree necklace for mom or grandma, it seems we will need to get them approved so they stop doing this. Can you give us a little guidance so that we can get this done quickly. Is there a lab that you would recommend? Any help here is greatly appreciated.
We do have the same issue. I think Amazon uses some kind of algorithm to track keywords like "girls" or "baby" or "children". If you put "not for children" in the bullet point, you will get blocked. It's a joke now. And if you appeal with bulk, or even edit the item it won't update.
It becomes really hard to sell anything (especially jewelry) on Amazon. It gets worst day by day. I wish they would just leave us alone.
We do have the same issue. I think Amazon uses some kind of algorithm to track keywords like "girls" or "baby" or "children". If you put "not for children" in the bullet point, you will get blocked. It's a joke now. And if you appeal with bulk, or even edit the item it won't update.
It becomes really hard to sell anything (especially jewelry) on Amazon. It gets worst day by day. I wish they would just leave us alone.
Just keep appealing. I've got half of mine cleared out without making any changes to my listing. I didn't even change anything with the appeal. I don't know why they rejected my appeal 4-5 times, then approve it on the 6th try.
Just keep appealing. I've got half of mine cleared out without making any changes to my listing. I didn't even change anything with the appeal. I don't know why they rejected my appeal 4-5 times, then approve it on the 6th try.
Hi there @Seller_U5xJgOXkSlNmU,
I'm sorry you are having difficulties with getting your products reviewed properly. I would recommend that you reach out with a full list of all impacted ASINs and ensure that all products are reviewed individually to ensure they don't have any children terms associated with them. Each ASIN has its own individual contributions, which might account for the variance in resolutions.
If you run into trouble trying to get the full list of ASINs reviewed, please provide the Case ID here and I will investigate further. Thank you for your understanding.
Hi there @Seller_U5xJgOXkSlNmU,
I'm sorry you are having difficulties with getting your products reviewed properly. I would recommend that you reach out with a full list of all impacted ASINs and ensure that all products are reviewed individually to ensure they don't have any children terms associated with them. Each ASIN has its own individual contributions, which might account for the variance in resolutions.
If you run into trouble trying to get the full list of ASINs reviewed, please provide the Case ID here and I will investigate further. Thank you for your understanding.