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New FBA shipping time limit?

Note on top of shipping page:

"What’s new

Effective on February 1, 2024, if your domestic shipments don’t arrive within 45 days of shipment creation and your international shipments don’t arrive within 75 days of shipment creation, we will notify you that your shipments aren't compliant with the policy and the shipments will close automatically. If your shipments are in transit and are delayed due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather events and severe events impacting logistic services, they will remain open. Learn More."

So my product is being manufactured in China (estimated completion 45 days), and sea shipping is estimated at 55 days. So I cannot submit shipping until a couple weeks before the shipment date (product completion). Otherwise they will cancel my shipment if time between submitting the shipment and arrival at fulfillment center exceeds 75 days.

Am I reading this correctly?

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New FBA shipping time limit?

Note on top of shipping page:

"What’s new

Effective on February 1, 2024, if your domestic shipments don’t arrive within 45 days of shipment creation and your international shipments don’t arrive within 75 days of shipment creation, we will notify you that your shipments aren't compliant with the policy and the shipments will close automatically. If your shipments are in transit and are delayed due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather events and severe events impacting logistic services, they will remain open. Learn More."

So my product is being manufactured in China (estimated completion 45 days), and sea shipping is estimated at 55 days. So I cannot submit shipping until a couple weeks before the shipment date (product completion). Otherwise they will cancel my shipment if time between submitting the shipment and arrival at fulfillment center exceeds 75 days.

Am I reading this correctly?

7 replies
7 replies
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Hi @Seller_X2eAtOwqDrgQY,

Dominic from Amazon here, happy to help.

You are correct that you should not submit the shipping plan until the manufactured goods are ready to be sent to the FC's. This will ensure the shipment will reach the FC in time.



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New FBA shipping time limit?

Note on top of shipping page:

"What’s new

Effective on February 1, 2024, if your domestic shipments don’t arrive within 45 days of shipment creation and your international shipments don’t arrive within 75 days of shipment creation, we will notify you that your shipments aren't compliant with the policy and the shipments will close automatically. If your shipments are in transit and are delayed due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather events and severe events impacting logistic services, they will remain open. Learn More."

So my product is being manufactured in China (estimated completion 45 days), and sea shipping is estimated at 55 days. So I cannot submit shipping until a couple weeks before the shipment date (product completion). Otherwise they will cancel my shipment if time between submitting the shipment and arrival at fulfillment center exceeds 75 days.

Am I reading this correctly?

7 replies
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New FBA shipping time limit?

Note on top of shipping page:

"What’s new

Effective on February 1, 2024, if your domestic shipments don’t arrive within 45 days of shipment creation and your international shipments don’t arrive within 75 days of shipment creation, we will notify you that your shipments aren't compliant with the policy and the shipments will close automatically. If your shipments are in transit and are delayed due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather events and severe events impacting logistic services, they will remain open. Learn More."

So my product is being manufactured in China (estimated completion 45 days), and sea shipping is estimated at 55 days. So I cannot submit shipping until a couple weeks before the shipment date (product completion). Otherwise they will cancel my shipment if time between submitting the shipment and arrival at fulfillment center exceeds 75 days.

Am I reading this correctly?

7 replies
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New FBA shipping time limit?

by Seller_X2eAtOwqDrgQY

Note on top of shipping page:

"What’s new

Effective on February 1, 2024, if your domestic shipments don’t arrive within 45 days of shipment creation and your international shipments don’t arrive within 75 days of shipment creation, we will notify you that your shipments aren't compliant with the policy and the shipments will close automatically. If your shipments are in transit and are delayed due to unforeseen circumstances such as weather events and severe events impacting logistic services, they will remain open. Learn More."

So my product is being manufactured in China (estimated completion 45 days), and sea shipping is estimated at 55 days. So I cannot submit shipping until a couple weeks before the shipment date (product completion). Otherwise they will cancel my shipment if time between submitting the shipment and arrival at fulfillment center exceeds 75 days.

Am I reading this correctly?

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Hi @Seller_X2eAtOwqDrgQY,

Dominic from Amazon here, happy to help.

You are correct that you should not submit the shipping plan until the manufactured goods are ready to be sent to the FC's. This will ensure the shipment will reach the FC in time.



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Hi @Seller_X2eAtOwqDrgQY,

Dominic from Amazon here, happy to help.

You are correct that you should not submit the shipping plan until the manufactured goods are ready to be sent to the FC's. This will ensure the shipment will reach the FC in time.



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Hi @Seller_X2eAtOwqDrgQY,

Dominic from Amazon here, happy to help.

You are correct that you should not submit the shipping plan until the manufactured goods are ready to be sent to the FC's. This will ensure the shipment will reach the FC in time.



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