Pending orders awaiting payment verification I'm concerned
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Pending orders awaiting payment verification I'm concerned

I’m new to FBA Amazon and all 20 orders that I got say pending Awaiting payment verification Amazon has been unable to obtain authorization for buyer's credit card yet. why does all 20 of my orders say this and is it a bad thing that they all say this ?

20 replies
Tags:FBA, Fulfillment, Packaging, Shipping
20 replies
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It's normal (maybe not 20 at a time), but Amazon has to verify the credit card, or the buyer has to fix the error with the credit card. They get 3 attempts at 7 days a clip (total of 21 days) and then they should fall off if not verified and changed to open orders.

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From the time the customer places the order to when Amazon ships it out, the product goes into "Open Orders" and pends payment. Amazon takes the payment when it ships. That being said, Amazon has been shipping slower than last year and there are a larger amount of open orders than usual.

The dates should not exceed 30 days. They get 3 attempts as @Seller_OvL8C4BJWiuS9said and then cancelled. If you notice all of a single product is held up in pending status in a short amount of time (not typical sell through rate) then that is another issue.

Right now, I have 38 pending payment. Our items are also more pricey and noticed it can take longer for people to have the funds to pay for the order.

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I just started selling and my first 4 orders also pending. That is so weird. Everytime I buy something on Amazon you have to pay right away or it cancels.

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Hi @Seller_Bc3Ykn7d8Z8aA,

Dominic from Amazon here, happy to share some additional info.

Orders may be in pending status for a variety of reasons, including among others:

  • Amazon has been unable to obtain authorization for the buyer's credit card.
  • The buyer selected convenience store payment but hasn't completed the payment.
  • For an FBA order, the buyer has qualified for free shipping and the order is waiting for all of the order items to be gathered.
  • For an FBA order, if the order is for multiple items but one item is out of stock. Even if Amazon chooses to divide the order and send the in-stock FBA Units, the order will still show Pending status.
  • For Subscribe & Save deliveries, orders are placed several days before a customer’s upcoming delivery date to align subscription sign-up orders with the customer's weekly or monthly Subscribe & Save delivery date and to ensure that inventory is reserved for upcoming deliveries.

For payment issues, our payment and order detail verification processes can potentially extend order processing times for as long as 21 days, and after 21 days the order should be canceled and the product released back into your inventory. However, if you have an order pending for longer than 21 days, please open a case with seller support detailing the issue, orders affected, and timeline so they can assist in resolving.



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