Read onlywe are selling used item . we send a message to the customer when they buy it to confirm that they are buying a used item. so the buyer ( order 407-7692309-4905961) replied after 24 hours and we were forced to ship her order. and she said that she does not want a used item and did not notice that she is buying a used item. we asked her to refuse the delivery and they will return it to us. and that's what happened . it was returned to us .
so we opened a case asking amazon what shall we refund her , they advised us to refund her the order cost but charge her for the delivery and the return as the item was mentioned and listed as used ( case ID 9979896922)
so we followed what amazon told us to do and followed the policy as the buyer made a mistake not us ( but we were nice with the buyer and we did not charge her for the return just for the shipping )
then the buyer opened A TO Z claim and they charge us the shipping and it affects our ODR . and they give us the reason that we did not have a local return address !!!! how does out make any sense! the whole order was not accepted by the buyer to issue her a return label!! and then we followed what amazon advised us to do ,, then we get the fault ourselves !!! that's not fair .. please need someone to explain this act!
the case we opened CASE 10132594442 says as follow:
Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support, We understand your request is regarding the refund on order- 407-7692309-4905961.In this regards, please be informed that you work with the buyer to honor the return. However, please know that the return shipping costs should be paid by the buyer.Additionally, if buyer is asking for the shipping cost then she can contact with customer support we are unable to contact on the behalf of the buyer.
Hola @Seller_KMzPzxoNaNm7y,
Gracias por participar en nuestros foros, te saluda Angie.
Entiendo que tienes una reclamación A-Z bajo la orden terminada en 5961 que te gustaría sea revisada.
Revise tu cuenta y vi que realizaste la apelación de la resolución correctamente y actualmente está bajo revisión. En este caso debemos esperar que la investigación termine y te den una resolución final.
Si luego de que recibas esta resolución te gustaría que investigue tu caso me lo puedes dejar saber por este mismo foro. Para mí será un gusto ayudarte.
Es importante mencionar que estamos en la comunidad de foros de España donde el idioma oficial es el español, te pido por favor, crees tus foros en español, así otros compañeros podrán que pueden sentirte identificados con tu caso, puedan comentar y/o ayudarte.
Angie 🌷
English version
Hi @Seller_KMzPzxoNaNm7y,
Thank you for participating in our forums, Angie greets you.
I understand that you have an A-Z claim under the order ending in 5961 that you would like to have reviewed.
I reviewed your account and saw that you correctly filed the appeal of the resolution and it is currently under review. In this case, we must wait for the investigation to be completed and for you to be given a final resolution.
If after you receive this resolution you would like me to investigate your case, you can let me know through this same forum. It will be a pleasure for me to assist you.
It is important to mention that we are in the Spanish forum community where the official language is Spanish, I kindly ask you to create your forums in Spanish, so that other members who may feel identified with your case can comment and/or help you.
Angie 🌷