How do I get sales total sales tax collected for my state?
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How do I get sales total sales tax collected for my state?

How exactly do I generate a report that tells me what Amazon collected for my home state only? Then, how to I find the total? I tried generating a report and did an auto sum, but it doesn't seem right to me. Thanks

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Tags:Tax documents, Taxes
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Hi @Seller_8ukfZTPo00m66!

Let me help you find the right report for your state's tax collection data.

If you're a Professional seller, you can get the most detailed view from the Tax Document Library (see help page). Under "Tax Document Library: Sales Tax Report options" you'll find that the "Marketplace Tax Collection Report" specifically shows tax collected and remitted by Amazon for your state.

If you're an Individual seller, or just want a simpler view, the Payment Date Range Report includes a "Marketplace Facilitator Tax" column that shows Amazon-remitted tax amounts (details here, check the FAQ section "Will I receive regular statements of the sales tax remitted to states on my orders?").

One quick tip about those auto-sums - make sure you're using the right report for what you need. The help pages mention that while there's also a "Combined Sales Tax Report," it includes both seller-calculated and Amazon-collected tax, which might explain why your totals didn't look quite right.

Hope this helps point you in the right direction!

Best regards, Michael

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