My payment stuck 2022 now 2024.
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My payment stuck 2022 now 2024.

My payment hold 2022 now 2024 i am very worried because my all investment hold kindly anyone help me i trying more time.

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Tags:Deactivated, Suspended
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What do you mean "payment hold"? Amazon has held your funds? If so, I can only assume your account was deactivated and you will never see that money.

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Greetings @Seller_oTh4y6POooNZM,

Thank you for utilizing the seller forums! I do apologize for the time it has taken for the moderating team and I to engage here. I hope this finds you well.

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My payment hold 2022 now 2024 i am very worried because my all investment hold kindly anyone help me i trying more time.
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I understand you have questions regarding your disbursements.

As @Seller_OvL8C4BJWiuS9 has asked, is your account currently in a deactivated state? If so, per the funds withholding policy, you will need to send a request for your funds to and await the next steps from that team as another process is utilized to determine your funds eligibility.

If you would like, feel free to provide the reason for the account deactivation so the community and I can help support you here.

I look forward to your reply,


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