We are listed on Bazaar. Essentially, Bazaar orders do not incur any commission fees. However, if you receive an order for your Bazaar listing through Amazon.in, a commission will be charged by Amazon. This means customers can purchase Bazaar listings directly on Amazon. For comparison, on platforms like Flipkart and Shopsy, Flipkart listings can only be purchased on Flipkart, and Shopsy listings are exclusive to the Shopsy app.
What's happening here is that the bazaar listing claims to charge no commission, so you reduced the price compared to Amazon. For example, one ASIN you sell on Amazon for ₹599 is listed at ₹499 on the bazaar. If an order for the same bazaar-listed product is placed through Amazon, they will charge commission based on ₹499. As a result, you reduce the price and sell the product at a loss.