Read onlyPlease can somebody come back to me with how I can find out when the shipment will be picked up?
It was arranged with partnered carrier: Carrier: Amazon Partnered (LinkTrans (ShipTrack)), originally for last Friday 22nd March, but nothing happened, shipment wasn't picked up and our supplier hasn't been contacted. i have changed pick up date to 30th March now. Is there a way to see if it will be picked up? Or am I doing something wrong? I went through all the stages to see if I missed anything, but everything looks filled in. The last page I see is the page with labels to print and cost summary at the bottom, can't press anything else. When I'm going to shipping queue and tracking, all the tracking numbers are filled out. Am I missing something?
Hi @Seller_rDkdb5ipuQcjo,
Thank you for reaching out and for your patience here!
I'm just coming across this thread and wanted to check in, has there been any updates on this shipment since posting?
If you're still experiencing issues with this pick up, I would recommend opening a case with Seller Support so that team can take a further look into the shipment. Once you open that case, please send me the case ID and I'd be happy to monitor the correspondence and provide additional assistance if needed.
If you have any additional questions or need further assistance, please let me know!
Thanks again,
Were they able to pick it up? I am considering using LinkTrans , your thoughts will be highly appreciated
Hey @Seller_rDkdb5ipuQcjo
Also curious to see if LinkTrans worked out for you.
We are considering to use them, but worry they won't show up as well..