Amazon not including paperwork with fba returns
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Amazon not including paperwork with fba returns

This is a recurring issue. I will get back a box of fba returns with no paperwork in it from Amazon, and one or more of the items are things that I do not even sell. When I try to open a claim to get my money back for the item they were SUPPOSED to return to me, I am unable to fill in all of the required fields because there was no return slip included which has the Shipment ID and other necessary data Amazon requires. I found some of the info in one of the Reports, but cannot find the Shipment ID anywhere, so each time it happens I am losing money for whatever the item was that was supposed to be returned to me. Can anyone tell me where I can find the Shipment ID for an fba return if there is no paperwork included in the package?

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Tags:Return shipment
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I connected with @Jameson_Amazon, our consensus is you should open a seller support case- they are best to help you locate the Shipment ID. Keep me updated.

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