Update on fee changes
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Update on fee changes

Effective from April 7, 2024, we are updating the fees for Amazon India.

We are making changes to the fee structure for referral fees, closing fees, weight handling fees, technology fees, and Pick and Pack fees.

Additionally, we are removing the Zero Fee fulfilment policy.

For more information, go to Fee changes.

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Tags:News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

what about the home decor category? i didn't find in this list

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Really guys? For a company that can’t offer the most basic services, you guys sure know how to make things worse.

Your ATS is in complete chaos. They’ve been protesting for higher wages. You guys aren’t able to fix that. Our business has taken a significant hit no thanks to this. Our shipments are not being picked up (before you ask me to fill out that Qualtrics link to report Easy Ship misses, yes I have filled it for every single order, and no, you guys have done jack about it). And you dare to increase fees now? For what exactly? What is your goal here, please make me understand. You are “celebrating” that Amazon.in is one of the most visited marketplaces in India (as if there is healthy competition to begin with), and to continue down that path and that’s why you want to increase the fees? Really? THAT is your justification?

How about ensuring you guys are doing the bare minimum at first? For example, ensure ATS picks up the orders by the ship-by date. Ensuring customers get it promptly? Your EasyShip Prime Orders are showing 5 days for delivery between Chennai and Bangalore. Often, Chennai-Delhi shows 10 days for delivery! Why?! If the ATS is that inefficient and incompetent, then why can't you ensure your SFP sellers get only Self-Ship Prime for the time being? I explored enabling that for my account because ATS has missed more than 45 orders of mine in a week when things were really bad. But your seller support told me if I enable "Self Ship Only", then that will turn off my Prime Badge. Which is a no-brainer. This can be fixed on the backend, you have PMs who are more than capable of making this happen. For a company that wants to be the world's most customer-centric company, you guys sure are going in the opposite direction.

Finally, I am very VERY curious, is there a reason why .IN is the only marketplace amongst the 21 (there might be a minor factual inaccuracy, but I'm sure you get the point) that you have, where you have this fixed fee on top of the referral fee. Why do you guys have that? What is stopping you from having it like how other marketplaces have it where it's a flat % fee on the total order value? It seems to be working just fine, doesn't it?

Looking forward to hearing from you.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Shameful. Struggling to survive and now this.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Unjust for sellers. 1st, Regional discoverability program which led to low sales AND Now the FEE HIKE. amazon is moving towards its downfall slowly

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

amazon is getting worse day by day for sellers

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Amazon is charging high amount fees which lead to low profit margin and there are many fruads and return which make profit non-profitable but I should say it is in loss.

This is time to quit amazon.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

so many issues with amazon, now this. I can earn more in MANREGA (Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment) then selling on AMAZON.

can you believe it, by selling on AMAZON from 1cr in account to 30k left in my account. awesome business!!!

Its better now to sell on streets then selling on amazon and earning to them.

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