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You Asked, We Did It: FBA Shipment Summary Tracking


Welcome to You Asked, We Did It, the section of the forums where we show you how your voice creates real change within Amazon.

It started with a Seller…

Listening to sellers is of utmost importance at Amazon in order to provide the best selling experience possible. Our seller, ‘IQ_Phoenix’, created a post about the Shipment Summary Tab not populating tracking information for inbound shipments. Sellers could not see updated tracking details of their shipment, including if it was delivered, or if it had been checked in to the fulfillment center.

This also meant out-of-stock SKUs, which should show as available on a certain date through detail pages, were not populating, creating major issues in transparency for our selling partners. This comment on the post by forums user ‘combinola’ helps illustrate the pain point:

“I now have 2 shipments that have been received at the fulfillment center with no acknowledgement of delivery or any other tracking. Please tell me shipments are eventually being checked in and received - despite no tracking.”

Amazon caught wind and started to research...

As this issue was surfaced, the team began deep diving the defect and found it affected a large percentage of small parcel inbound FBA shipments across the US. The team swiftly connected with internal partners to highlight the issue and push for correction. By March 19th, the team had implemented this fix to ensure the tracking in the Shipment Summary tab was working as intended.

What were the results?

Tracking of shipments was returned to normal operation and sellers regained the required level of visibility into their shipments. Detail pages of impacted ASINs regained the ability to give a high confidence estimate for when out of stock items would be estimated to be delivered by.

We couldn’t do it without you!

We want to thank the forums posters that raised this matter. Your feedback has helped solve an issue that was affecting a large swath of Sellers.

What does it look like?

While impacted, only high level shipping details were visible through the dashboard (Images intentionally blurred for confidentiality of tracking data):


After our teams reviewed and resolved the issue, full shipment tracking events were once again visible:


Now let’s hear from you!

How were you affected while this defect was live? Have you seen a full return to tracking visibility through the Shipment Summary Tab? What further developments within this tab would be helpful as you operate your business?

Thanks again for continuing to surfacing your thoughts and feedback on the forums to help create seller-focused change.

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You Asked, We Did It: FBA Shipment Summary Tracking


Welcome to You Asked, We Did It, the section of the forums where we show you how your voice creates real change within Amazon.

It started with a Seller…

Listening to sellers is of utmost importance at Amazon in order to provide the best selling experience possible. Our seller, ‘IQ_Phoenix’, created a post about the Shipment Summary Tab not populating tracking information for inbound shipments. Sellers could not see updated tracking details of their shipment, including if it was delivered, or if it had been checked in to the fulfillment center.

This also meant out-of-stock SKUs, which should show as available on a certain date through detail pages, were not populating, creating major issues in transparency for our selling partners. This comment on the post by forums user ‘combinola’ helps illustrate the pain point:

“I now have 2 shipments that have been received at the fulfillment center with no acknowledgement of delivery or any other tracking. Please tell me shipments are eventually being checked in and received - despite no tracking.”

Amazon caught wind and started to research...

As this issue was surfaced, the team began deep diving the defect and found it affected a large percentage of small parcel inbound FBA shipments across the US. The team swiftly connected with internal partners to highlight the issue and push for correction. By March 19th, the team had implemented this fix to ensure the tracking in the Shipment Summary tab was working as intended.

What were the results?

Tracking of shipments was returned to normal operation and sellers regained the required level of visibility into their shipments. Detail pages of impacted ASINs regained the ability to give a high confidence estimate for when out of stock items would be estimated to be delivered by.

We couldn’t do it without you!

We want to thank the forums posters that raised this matter. Your feedback has helped solve an issue that was affecting a large swath of Sellers.

What does it look like?

While impacted, only high level shipping details were visible through the dashboard (Images intentionally blurred for confidentiality of tracking data):


After our teams reviewed and resolved the issue, full shipment tracking events were once again visible:


Now let’s hear from you!

How were you affected while this defect was live? Have you seen a full return to tracking visibility through the Shipment Summary Tab? What further developments within this tab would be helpful as you operate your business?

Thanks again for continuing to surfacing your thoughts and feedback on the forums to help create seller-focused change.

Tags:You asked, we did it
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68 replies
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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Very nice story & nice work. Thank you for sharing.

Now how about when we get dinged for missing quantity in a dozen inbound shipments, and we file the appropriate cases, and Amazon magically finds the missing items.... Can you undo the hit on our metrics?

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

What happens to the units that we shipped but Amazon FC's claim they weren't in the shipment? This happens almost every shipment.

If we sent 1,008 units but they're only "locating" 998 units. Where did our units go?

This is what we want to know.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

The tracking information tab is updated but the status in the shipping queue does not update unless you go to the tracking tab for each shipment and refresh it. Therefore you have to spend a lot time going into each one individually to update it. This also needs to be corrected so the status' show correctly on the shipping queue.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post
This post has been deleted
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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Sounds nice. Ive posted several bug reports, with the steps taken to re-create them. The issues continue to stay.

When I reported several sellers on here for shipping radiological material (hazardous) to FBA, as revealed by several youtube channels, instead of Amazon taking it seriously, my post was removed (because of links) and was mocked by the community, which smelled greatly of sheer ignorance (or more likely, importers worried bout being responsible for causing health problems in people a rash of forced refunds and recalls)

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

This has been asked for years, again, and again, and again. Instead, knockoffs are continued to be promoted when brand names are searched.

Amazon has a counterfeit problem, and many of us are getting tired of seeing it ignored.


I mean, if your fellow Washington state corporations can do it, so can Amazon.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Where can we post to get our voices heard?

Amazon Reference IDs (PO numbers) are not available in the API. Super easy fix, but even the Amazon Developer Council can't get this done

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Great. You fixed a minor bug because of "a seller in the forums".

What about the vast majority of us that have been calling out the awful check-in process where items are *routinely* lost, and Amazon takes no accountability for it? What about when you receive a box of merchandise, and magically there are ZERO items in that box, if we just shipped you an empty box?

Where do those items go? Why does Amazon not take accountability? What is involved in the so called "verification of count" that you perform, which is clearly not any form of verification at all?

This is especially true if we use Amazon labeling services, or Manufacturer SKU. Many sellers including myself *refuse* to use manufacturer SKU because these items go missing the most, and are never found again. (At least with our own label, there's a chance it gets magically "found" later...but only after we've gone back and forth with support for a week, and submitted our invoices 4 different times to prove ownership).

What about these issues? You know....the REAL issues that cost sellers money?

But I'm glad you fixed your UI bug. That's definitely worthy of an announcement.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

As great as this is- how about some acknowledgement and solution for discrepancy in Units Located vs Units Expected. i have lost confidence in this process. I have done everything short of taking a video recording of every shipment. Amazon is of no help. Every response appears to be generic and never results in any acknowledgement that the error is on Amazon's side.I have a shipment with 0 of 50 units received- my total loss almost $700. I provided everything requested- no change. Have another shipmen, short 7 units. I provide everything, including photos of each box shipped- clearly identifying the amount in each box. Yet Amazon will still come back every time claiming they're in the right. I am losing trust in shipping anything FBA. It shouldn't be like this. Please fix this issue. Thank you.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

I am new seller. So far, have made 5 shipment. When shipment receives and in the state of “Checked in” it shows that they received all the unit and they are all available for sale and moving to other FCs they go missing few units all the time.

When first fulfillment center receives seller’s shipments, do they first count units? OR do they just ship out small units to other FCs without checking it?

I don’t understand why they would have less quantities than I always send. I am having issue with one shipment right now too. Few days before shipment close date, it stated all the item was located. And today, it’s 6 unit short.

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You Asked, We Did It: FBA Shipment Summary Tracking


Welcome to You Asked, We Did It, the section of the forums where we show you how your voice creates real change within Amazon.

It started with a Seller…

Listening to sellers is of utmost importance at Amazon in order to provide the best selling experience possible. Our seller, ‘IQ_Phoenix’, created a post about the Shipment Summary Tab not populating tracking information for inbound shipments. Sellers could not see updated tracking details of their shipment, including if it was delivered, or if it had been checked in to the fulfillment center.

This also meant out-of-stock SKUs, which should show as available on a certain date through detail pages, were not populating, creating major issues in transparency for our selling partners. This comment on the post by forums user ‘combinola’ helps illustrate the pain point:

“I now have 2 shipments that have been received at the fulfillment center with no acknowledgement of delivery or any other tracking. Please tell me shipments are eventually being checked in and received - despite no tracking.”

Amazon caught wind and started to research...

As this issue was surfaced, the team began deep diving the defect and found it affected a large percentage of small parcel inbound FBA shipments across the US. The team swiftly connected with internal partners to highlight the issue and push for correction. By March 19th, the team had implemented this fix to ensure the tracking in the Shipment Summary tab was working as intended.

What were the results?

Tracking of shipments was returned to normal operation and sellers regained the required level of visibility into their shipments. Detail pages of impacted ASINs regained the ability to give a high confidence estimate for when out of stock items would be estimated to be delivered by.

We couldn’t do it without you!

We want to thank the forums posters that raised this matter. Your feedback has helped solve an issue that was affecting a large swath of Sellers.

What does it look like?

While impacted, only high level shipping details were visible through the dashboard (Images intentionally blurred for confidentiality of tracking data):


After our teams reviewed and resolved the issue, full shipment tracking events were once again visible:


Now let’s hear from you!

How were you affected while this defect was live? Have you seen a full return to tracking visibility through the Shipment Summary Tab? What further developments within this tab would be helpful as you operate your business?

Thanks again for continuing to surfacing your thoughts and feedback on the forums to help create seller-focused change.

68 replies
Tags:You asked, we did it
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You Asked, We Did It: FBA Shipment Summary Tracking


Welcome to You Asked, We Did It, the section of the forums where we show you how your voice creates real change within Amazon.

It started with a Seller…

Listening to sellers is of utmost importance at Amazon in order to provide the best selling experience possible. Our seller, ‘IQ_Phoenix’, created a post about the Shipment Summary Tab not populating tracking information for inbound shipments. Sellers could not see updated tracking details of their shipment, including if it was delivered, or if it had been checked in to the fulfillment center.

This also meant out-of-stock SKUs, which should show as available on a certain date through detail pages, were not populating, creating major issues in transparency for our selling partners. This comment on the post by forums user ‘combinola’ helps illustrate the pain point:

“I now have 2 shipments that have been received at the fulfillment center with no acknowledgement of delivery or any other tracking. Please tell me shipments are eventually being checked in and received - despite no tracking.”

Amazon caught wind and started to research...

As this issue was surfaced, the team began deep diving the defect and found it affected a large percentage of small parcel inbound FBA shipments across the US. The team swiftly connected with internal partners to highlight the issue and push for correction. By March 19th, the team had implemented this fix to ensure the tracking in the Shipment Summary tab was working as intended.

What were the results?

Tracking of shipments was returned to normal operation and sellers regained the required level of visibility into their shipments. Detail pages of impacted ASINs regained the ability to give a high confidence estimate for when out of stock items would be estimated to be delivered by.

We couldn’t do it without you!

We want to thank the forums posters that raised this matter. Your feedback has helped solve an issue that was affecting a large swath of Sellers.

What does it look like?

While impacted, only high level shipping details were visible through the dashboard (Images intentionally blurred for confidentiality of tracking data):


After our teams reviewed and resolved the issue, full shipment tracking events were once again visible:


Now let’s hear from you!

How were you affected while this defect was live? Have you seen a full return to tracking visibility through the Shipment Summary Tab? What further developments within this tab would be helpful as you operate your business?

Thanks again for continuing to surfacing your thoughts and feedback on the forums to help create seller-focused change.

Tags:You asked, we did it
68 replies
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You Asked, We Did It: FBA Shipment Summary Tracking

by Danny_Amazon


Welcome to You Asked, We Did It, the section of the forums where we show you how your voice creates real change within Amazon.

It started with a Seller…

Listening to sellers is of utmost importance at Amazon in order to provide the best selling experience possible. Our seller, ‘IQ_Phoenix’, created a post about the Shipment Summary Tab not populating tracking information for inbound shipments. Sellers could not see updated tracking details of their shipment, including if it was delivered, or if it had been checked in to the fulfillment center.

This also meant out-of-stock SKUs, which should show as available on a certain date through detail pages, were not populating, creating major issues in transparency for our selling partners. This comment on the post by forums user ‘combinola’ helps illustrate the pain point:

“I now have 2 shipments that have been received at the fulfillment center with no acknowledgement of delivery or any other tracking. Please tell me shipments are eventually being checked in and received - despite no tracking.”

Amazon caught wind and started to research...

As this issue was surfaced, the team began deep diving the defect and found it affected a large percentage of small parcel inbound FBA shipments across the US. The team swiftly connected with internal partners to highlight the issue and push for correction. By March 19th, the team had implemented this fix to ensure the tracking in the Shipment Summary tab was working as intended.

What were the results?

Tracking of shipments was returned to normal operation and sellers regained the required level of visibility into their shipments. Detail pages of impacted ASINs regained the ability to give a high confidence estimate for when out of stock items would be estimated to be delivered by.

We couldn’t do it without you!

We want to thank the forums posters that raised this matter. Your feedback has helped solve an issue that was affecting a large swath of Sellers.

What does it look like?

While impacted, only high level shipping details were visible through the dashboard (Images intentionally blurred for confidentiality of tracking data):


After our teams reviewed and resolved the issue, full shipment tracking events were once again visible:


Now let’s hear from you!

How were you affected while this defect was live? Have you seen a full return to tracking visibility through the Shipment Summary Tab? What further developments within this tab would be helpful as you operate your business?

Thanks again for continuing to surfacing your thoughts and feedback on the forums to help create seller-focused change.

Tags:You asked, we did it
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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Very nice story & nice work. Thank you for sharing.

Now how about when we get dinged for missing quantity in a dozen inbound shipments, and we file the appropriate cases, and Amazon magically finds the missing items.... Can you undo the hit on our metrics?

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

What happens to the units that we shipped but Amazon FC's claim they weren't in the shipment? This happens almost every shipment.

If we sent 1,008 units but they're only "locating" 998 units. Where did our units go?

This is what we want to know.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

The tracking information tab is updated but the status in the shipping queue does not update unless you go to the tracking tab for each shipment and refresh it. Therefore you have to spend a lot time going into each one individually to update it. This also needs to be corrected so the status' show correctly on the shipping queue.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post
This post has been deleted
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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Sounds nice. Ive posted several bug reports, with the steps taken to re-create them. The issues continue to stay.

When I reported several sellers on here for shipping radiological material (hazardous) to FBA, as revealed by several youtube channels, instead of Amazon taking it seriously, my post was removed (because of links) and was mocked by the community, which smelled greatly of sheer ignorance (or more likely, importers worried bout being responsible for causing health problems in people a rash of forced refunds and recalls)

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

This has been asked for years, again, and again, and again. Instead, knockoffs are continued to be promoted when brand names are searched.

Amazon has a counterfeit problem, and many of us are getting tired of seeing it ignored.


I mean, if your fellow Washington state corporations can do it, so can Amazon.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Where can we post to get our voices heard?

Amazon Reference IDs (PO numbers) are not available in the API. Super easy fix, but even the Amazon Developer Council can't get this done

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Great. You fixed a minor bug because of "a seller in the forums".

What about the vast majority of us that have been calling out the awful check-in process where items are *routinely* lost, and Amazon takes no accountability for it? What about when you receive a box of merchandise, and magically there are ZERO items in that box, if we just shipped you an empty box?

Where do those items go? Why does Amazon not take accountability? What is involved in the so called "verification of count" that you perform, which is clearly not any form of verification at all?

This is especially true if we use Amazon labeling services, or Manufacturer SKU. Many sellers including myself *refuse* to use manufacturer SKU because these items go missing the most, and are never found again. (At least with our own label, there's a chance it gets magically "found" later...but only after we've gone back and forth with support for a week, and submitted our invoices 4 different times to prove ownership).

What about these issues? You know....the REAL issues that cost sellers money?

But I'm glad you fixed your UI bug. That's definitely worthy of an announcement.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

As great as this is- how about some acknowledgement and solution for discrepancy in Units Located vs Units Expected. i have lost confidence in this process. I have done everything short of taking a video recording of every shipment. Amazon is of no help. Every response appears to be generic and never results in any acknowledgement that the error is on Amazon's side.I have a shipment with 0 of 50 units received- my total loss almost $700. I provided everything requested- no change. Have another shipmen, short 7 units. I provide everything, including photos of each box shipped- clearly identifying the amount in each box. Yet Amazon will still come back every time claiming they're in the right. I am losing trust in shipping anything FBA. It shouldn't be like this. Please fix this issue. Thank you.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

I am new seller. So far, have made 5 shipment. When shipment receives and in the state of “Checked in” it shows that they received all the unit and they are all available for sale and moving to other FCs they go missing few units all the time.

When first fulfillment center receives seller’s shipments, do they first count units? OR do they just ship out small units to other FCs without checking it?

I don’t understand why they would have less quantities than I always send. I am having issue with one shipment right now too. Few days before shipment close date, it stated all the item was located. And today, it’s 6 unit short.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Very nice story & nice work. Thank you for sharing.

Now how about when we get dinged for missing quantity in a dozen inbound shipments, and we file the appropriate cases, and Amazon magically finds the missing items.... Can you undo the hit on our metrics?

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Very nice story & nice work. Thank you for sharing.

Now how about when we get dinged for missing quantity in a dozen inbound shipments, and we file the appropriate cases, and Amazon magically finds the missing items.... Can you undo the hit on our metrics?

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

What happens to the units that we shipped but Amazon FC's claim they weren't in the shipment? This happens almost every shipment.

If we sent 1,008 units but they're only "locating" 998 units. Where did our units go?

This is what we want to know.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

What happens to the units that we shipped but Amazon FC's claim they weren't in the shipment? This happens almost every shipment.

If we sent 1,008 units but they're only "locating" 998 units. Where did our units go?

This is what we want to know.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

The tracking information tab is updated but the status in the shipping queue does not update unless you go to the tracking tab for each shipment and refresh it. Therefore you have to spend a lot time going into each one individually to update it. This also needs to be corrected so the status' show correctly on the shipping queue.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

The tracking information tab is updated but the status in the shipping queue does not update unless you go to the tracking tab for each shipment and refresh it. Therefore you have to spend a lot time going into each one individually to update it. This also needs to be corrected so the status' show correctly on the shipping queue.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post
This post has been deleted
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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post
This post has been deleted
user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Sounds nice. Ive posted several bug reports, with the steps taken to re-create them. The issues continue to stay.

When I reported several sellers on here for shipping radiological material (hazardous) to FBA, as revealed by several youtube channels, instead of Amazon taking it seriously, my post was removed (because of links) and was mocked by the community, which smelled greatly of sheer ignorance (or more likely, importers worried bout being responsible for causing health problems in people a rash of forced refunds and recalls)

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Sounds nice. Ive posted several bug reports, with the steps taken to re-create them. The issues continue to stay.

When I reported several sellers on here for shipping radiological material (hazardous) to FBA, as revealed by several youtube channels, instead of Amazon taking it seriously, my post was removed (because of links) and was mocked by the community, which smelled greatly of sheer ignorance (or more likely, importers worried bout being responsible for causing health problems in people a rash of forced refunds and recalls)

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

This has been asked for years, again, and again, and again. Instead, knockoffs are continued to be promoted when brand names are searched.

Amazon has a counterfeit problem, and many of us are getting tired of seeing it ignored.


I mean, if your fellow Washington state corporations can do it, so can Amazon.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

This has been asked for years, again, and again, and again. Instead, knockoffs are continued to be promoted when brand names are searched.

Amazon has a counterfeit problem, and many of us are getting tired of seeing it ignored.


I mean, if your fellow Washington state corporations can do it, so can Amazon.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Where can we post to get our voices heard?

Amazon Reference IDs (PO numbers) are not available in the API. Super easy fix, but even the Amazon Developer Council can't get this done

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Where can we post to get our voices heard?

Amazon Reference IDs (PO numbers) are not available in the API. Super easy fix, but even the Amazon Developer Council can't get this done

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Great. You fixed a minor bug because of "a seller in the forums".

What about the vast majority of us that have been calling out the awful check-in process where items are *routinely* lost, and Amazon takes no accountability for it? What about when you receive a box of merchandise, and magically there are ZERO items in that box, if we just shipped you an empty box?

Where do those items go? Why does Amazon not take accountability? What is involved in the so called "verification of count" that you perform, which is clearly not any form of verification at all?

This is especially true if we use Amazon labeling services, or Manufacturer SKU. Many sellers including myself *refuse* to use manufacturer SKU because these items go missing the most, and are never found again. (At least with our own label, there's a chance it gets magically "found" later...but only after we've gone back and forth with support for a week, and submitted our invoices 4 different times to prove ownership).

What about these issues? You know....the REAL issues that cost sellers money?

But I'm glad you fixed your UI bug. That's definitely worthy of an announcement.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Great. You fixed a minor bug because of "a seller in the forums".

What about the vast majority of us that have been calling out the awful check-in process where items are *routinely* lost, and Amazon takes no accountability for it? What about when you receive a box of merchandise, and magically there are ZERO items in that box, if we just shipped you an empty box?

Where do those items go? Why does Amazon not take accountability? What is involved in the so called "verification of count" that you perform, which is clearly not any form of verification at all?

This is especially true if we use Amazon labeling services, or Manufacturer SKU. Many sellers including myself *refuse* to use manufacturer SKU because these items go missing the most, and are never found again. (At least with our own label, there's a chance it gets magically "found" later...but only after we've gone back and forth with support for a week, and submitted our invoices 4 different times to prove ownership).

What about these issues? You know....the REAL issues that cost sellers money?

But I'm glad you fixed your UI bug. That's definitely worthy of an announcement.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

As great as this is- how about some acknowledgement and solution for discrepancy in Units Located vs Units Expected. i have lost confidence in this process. I have done everything short of taking a video recording of every shipment. Amazon is of no help. Every response appears to be generic and never results in any acknowledgement that the error is on Amazon's side.I have a shipment with 0 of 50 units received- my total loss almost $700. I provided everything requested- no change. Have another shipmen, short 7 units. I provide everything, including photos of each box shipped- clearly identifying the amount in each box. Yet Amazon will still come back every time claiming they're in the right. I am losing trust in shipping anything FBA. It shouldn't be like this. Please fix this issue. Thank you.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

As great as this is- how about some acknowledgement and solution for discrepancy in Units Located vs Units Expected. i have lost confidence in this process. I have done everything short of taking a video recording of every shipment. Amazon is of no help. Every response appears to be generic and never results in any acknowledgement that the error is on Amazon's side.I have a shipment with 0 of 50 units received- my total loss almost $700. I provided everything requested- no change. Have another shipmen, short 7 units. I provide everything, including photos of each box shipped- clearly identifying the amount in each box. Yet Amazon will still come back every time claiming they're in the right. I am losing trust in shipping anything FBA. It shouldn't be like this. Please fix this issue. Thank you.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

I am new seller. So far, have made 5 shipment. When shipment receives and in the state of “Checked in” it shows that they received all the unit and they are all available for sale and moving to other FCs they go missing few units all the time.

When first fulfillment center receives seller’s shipments, do they first count units? OR do they just ship out small units to other FCs without checking it?

I don’t understand why they would have less quantities than I always send. I am having issue with one shipment right now too. Few days before shipment close date, it stated all the item was located. And today, it’s 6 unit short.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

I am new seller. So far, have made 5 shipment. When shipment receives and in the state of “Checked in” it shows that they received all the unit and they are all available for sale and moving to other FCs they go missing few units all the time.

When first fulfillment center receives seller’s shipments, do they first count units? OR do they just ship out small units to other FCs without checking it?

I don’t understand why they would have less quantities than I always send. I am having issue with one shipment right now too. Few days before shipment close date, it stated all the item was located. And today, it’s 6 unit short.


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