Read only58 of our ASINs just got hit with a restricted products violation for "being live plant or seed products".
We do not sell live plants or seeds. All the products affected are JEWELRY (that is all we sell).
Amazon, what is happening? How out of control are your bots?
Why do you drop this on a Friday night and give us two days to respond or you shut down the listings (and possibly our account)?
Please someone help!
15 of my ASINs got hit with the same reason just now too. Amazon is just going out of control. They need to change their AI chips or whatever.
Same here.
Our items are in no way remotely related to live plants or seeds. They are made of metal, and no word can trigger any AI or bot to identify them as such.
It looks like the old "pesticide" hoax all over again.
17 listings here, this is so crazy!!! the products are made by metal and plastics. and selling for years!!!!
I have the same issue. I spoke with the Amazon chat.
Them said it’s bug in system
I can relate, we received that for one of our ASINs too, and we have appealed, just appeal with one format,then change the ASIN name in all the generic responses you will give them. It will be removed, it is not the first time we are getting hit with what is not in any way related to our ASIN
I am getting the same messages, just appeal and send invoices
I had the same problem, it seems that it could negatively impact account health rating as well.
Same our rings are being flagged as plants and seeds.
Last week it was womans jewelry being flagged as chldrens
The plants and seeds are mostly plain bands. Amazon is broken.
Yet they continue to allow chinese sellers to call gold plated brass 14K gold and defraud consumers daily.
Again AMAZON is a Joke from the TOP DOWN.... I don't sell seed or plants and had to deal with 31 violations. AMAZON is such a joke anymore! eBay and Walmart are much better to their sellers.