Hey Sellers! Connor here. 👋👋👋
I wanted to share some insights on a little button you may have seen on the bottom for your Seller Central account page that transforms your selling experience to a much cleaner and more user-friendly page — we call it Next Gen Selling! 🚀
Think of it as giving Seller Central a cool makeover, but with super-smart features. No more clicking through endless pages or wondering what needs your attention first.
The best part? We've created this awesome action center that's like your personal business assistant. It tells you exactly what needs to be done and when. Plus, we've organized everything into neat little workspaces - whether you're managing listings, checking inventory, or handling orders, it's all just a click away.
Oh, and here's something you're going to love - you can totally customize your dashboard! Want to keep track of specific metrics? Just pick your favorites and boom - they're front and center whenever you need them.
You can give it a try and don't worry, all your regular tools are still there in the main Seller Central area if you need them.
The Next Gen button is located at the very bottom of your Seller Central portal:
Let me know if you have any questions - I'm here to help you make the most of these awesome new features.
Is this what their doing with the Money they hold hostage for 30 days after
delivery? How about send a message to them to let them know holding sellers money
like we are wholesalers is absurd. Retailers shouldnt have their money held for 30 days
after delivery. Its the worst thing to come to Amazon Ive seen in 17 years other then letting
the chinese sell on the .com site. Very bad. Terrible.
Oh, you mean like it used to be...? Before some starry-eyed programmer tried to impress his boss by re-designing the home page?
You may not realize this - since you work for Amazon - but sellers themselves are best qualified to know "what needs to be done and when," not Amazon.
Again, like it USED to be before it was "improved" to necessitate multiple clicks to get to the same information?
I could go on, but I'll quit there. It irritated me just to read that post.
Nothing like causing a train wreck and then seeking kudos for attempting to clean up the mess.
I'll match your two 🚀🚀 and raise you two of these 🦨🦨.
ARE YOU SERIOUS????? ANOTHER "REMAKE" of SELLER CENTRAL???? Who asked for this? How about fixing the catalog, or spending the money on training the AI Support Bots?
How about making it so I can post videos without having to email a mystery review team 5 times? I posted 12 videos all from the same exact template and 5 were approved and 7 were not, now there is no response from the review team.
How about hire some people to support all the fancy BS that has been implemented in the last year and stop messing with stuff that is not broken?
And while you are at it, if this new experience includes advertising pop ups for features I never asked for and never will, like I have been seeing in my shipping screen - GET RID OF THE ADS ALSO
So ludicrous that this is what you are focusing on.
You FOOLS you already forced a page created by a retard white double the clicks and wasted time and with recent influx of Boycott Bezos coming in we have really started to hate everything about all of this!