Can an amazon MOD here help us? Please, Please, Please!
Our case ID 16497890791
It is open and shut case - we send 81 units of products, delivered on 23rd Sep. But never checked in. The entire shipment was lost on BFL2.
Two weeks ago, we saw shipment status shows “closed” and zero unit has been located. So, we raised a case with seller support and provided the required documents.
Seller support is helpless. They just copy and paste text, and told me that the “We have completed an additional check in response to your request. We have no record of receiving the following expected items”. When I wrote a follow up email to question the decision, the EXACTLY SAME text replied by the same seller supporter.
From then on, the case closed and there was no compensation. We are sitting in the dark, we do not know who we can talk to or if anyone can help us.
If there is any amazon MOD here, can you help us?
@Jameson_AmazonCan you help us with this matter?
Hi @Seller_7mXEbpYLcoTis,
We're aware of concerns regarding shipments to our BFL2 facility and are actively investigating. For specific shipment concerns, please provide Seller Support with carrier contact, tracking numbers, and Inbound Shipment Appointment (ISA) number.