FBA failure = prominent negative review. Tanked sales. Amazon will not help.
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FBA failure = prominent negative review. Tanked sales. Amazon will not help.

I am a small brand/maker and my sales have tanked after a customer received my product after it was damaged in transit.

It is the number one review on my page (with photos!) and Amazon will not help - I have tried multiple times. Amazon does not seem to care - they just clip the ticket while everything is automated but otherwise are MIA.

Here is the review: https://www.amazon.com/gp/customer-reviews/R36EFJBPGLYDIZ

The review itself says "Arrived damaged". In the photo you can see the damaged packaging in the first photo - a slash in the packaging ... so the internal product was damaged too.

I have reached out to Amazon via support cases at least three times. They say that they can not help and I need to "report it" ... I had done that multipe times.

Ultimately this was was an FBA issue, I have reported it 5-6 times across both support cases and "Report this review" (all you can do is tick "off-topic", "fake", "inappropriate" and "other" ... nothing about policy violation or ability to comment.

Amazon has not provided any effective help on this issue.

I have also written to community-help@amazon.com - no response.

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Tags:Negative reviews, Product reviews
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