We've simplified the creation and management of discounts, by integrating Prime-exclusive discounts into the Price Discounts tool.
As part of this integration, the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will be removed from Seller Central on January 7, 2025.
The updated Price Discounts tool now supports both Prime-exclusive and all-customer discounts. You can easily search your catalog to add products to your promotion, manage discounts globally, and view performance metrics, all from the Price Discounts tool. There is no change to how Prime-exclusive discounts display to customers.
Any discount that you've already created in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will run until its scheduled end time. Newly created discounts made in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool cannot run beyond December 31, 2024. On January 1, 2025, you'll no longer be able to create new discounts in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool.
To create a price discount, follow these steps:
Note that primary users of your account have access to Price Discounts by default. To grant access to secondary users, the primary user must go to Global User Permissions, select Manage rights for the secondary user, and enable View only or View & edit permissions.
For more information, go to the Price discounts help page.
We've simplified the creation and management of discounts, by integrating Prime-exclusive discounts into the Price Discounts tool.
As part of this integration, the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will be removed from Seller Central on January 7, 2025.
The updated Price Discounts tool now supports both Prime-exclusive and all-customer discounts. You can easily search your catalog to add products to your promotion, manage discounts globally, and view performance metrics, all from the Price Discounts tool. There is no change to how Prime-exclusive discounts display to customers.
Any discount that you've already created in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will run until its scheduled end time. Newly created discounts made in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool cannot run beyond December 31, 2024. On January 1, 2025, you'll no longer be able to create new discounts in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool.
To create a price discount, follow these steps:
Note that primary users of your account have access to Price Discounts by default. To grant access to secondary users, the primary user must go to Global User Permissions, select Manage rights for the secondary user, and enable View only or View & edit permissions.
For more information, go to the Price discounts help page.
Would you please enable bulk uploads for Price Discount? This will really help us as sellers as we used the bulk feature with the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool often and currently Price Discount does not have a bulk upload feature.
Thank you, we appreciate you all and Happy Holidays.
The fact that Amazon released this without a bulk upload template is more proof of how horribly run 99% of their development is. Completely insane to expect professional sellers to be manually searching and editing data on 500+ ASINs. That was one of the simplistic beauties of the old tool...
Also, why in the world are we being restricted by the SKU "Minimum Price" when attempting to create a sale. By creating the sale, we are quite literally telling Amazon what our new desired Minimum Price is. Having to manually go search each SKU and drop the Minimum Price in order to even set up the sale is another blatant oversight.
But as always, Amazon won't care, and it'll be up to us to figure out the most efficient means to deal with the garbage tools they churn out in order to keep operations flowing. Happy Holidays!
Price Discount tool has eligibility criteria and Prime Exclusive Discount tool Does,t have
How to Manage that?
I want Prime Exclusive Discount tool back, the Price Discounts tool is not good for Prime Exclusive Discount. I mean it is good for a discount that I can limit quantity, BUT I have to wait 6hours to start, I can't adjust discount any time, I can‘t add or remove product when running. I have to end it and start a new one after 6hours.
Just hope you can keep the old Prime Exclusive Discount tool. It is really a useful tool.
The new window is delayed too long in terms of time, taking 6 hours to start, while the Prime exclusive discount will start in 1-2 hours. This change is meaningless
I was eligible to offer Prime exclusive Discount to prime customer but now i am not eligible for price discount to run prime exclusive discount
Please bring back the old Prime Exclusive discount tool. The new one does not work for multiple reasons including:
(1) No bulk upload feature
(2) No download report feature that lists all of the errors in Excel format (i.e., reference price error, 30 day lowest price error, etc.)
Discontinuing Prime Exclusive discounts tool and forcing us to use Price Discounts without these features is frustrating. We are no longer running Prime Exclusive discounts at the moment due to these issues.
There is potential funding column. Will I be charged for the amount shown in potential funding or ti shows estimated total discount ?
Please have whoever decided to sunset the old Prime Exclusive Discounts and require us to use Price Discounts try making a Prime Exclusive Price Discount with 300 SKUs/ASINs. Have them upload everything manually (which is currently the only option), then go through each line manually to fix any errors that pop up due to pricing thresholds. It's insanely time consuming. The old Prime Exclusive Discounts UI was significantly better. The current Price Discounts UI is NOT ready for prime time. It needs a lot of work before it should be forced as the only option.
I try to setup a discount for parts of my lists, it can't not procedure and request need customer feedback 3.5+, but I have met this requirement, any other reasons?
We've simplified the creation and management of discounts, by integrating Prime-exclusive discounts into the Price Discounts tool.
As part of this integration, the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will be removed from Seller Central on January 7, 2025.
The updated Price Discounts tool now supports both Prime-exclusive and all-customer discounts. You can easily search your catalog to add products to your promotion, manage discounts globally, and view performance metrics, all from the Price Discounts tool. There is no change to how Prime-exclusive discounts display to customers.
Any discount that you've already created in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will run until its scheduled end time. Newly created discounts made in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool cannot run beyond December 31, 2024. On January 1, 2025, you'll no longer be able to create new discounts in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool.
To create a price discount, follow these steps:
Note that primary users of your account have access to Price Discounts by default. To grant access to secondary users, the primary user must go to Global User Permissions, select Manage rights for the secondary user, and enable View only or View & edit permissions.
For more information, go to the Price discounts help page.
We've simplified the creation and management of discounts, by integrating Prime-exclusive discounts into the Price Discounts tool.
As part of this integration, the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will be removed from Seller Central on January 7, 2025.
The updated Price Discounts tool now supports both Prime-exclusive and all-customer discounts. You can easily search your catalog to add products to your promotion, manage discounts globally, and view performance metrics, all from the Price Discounts tool. There is no change to how Prime-exclusive discounts display to customers.
Any discount that you've already created in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will run until its scheduled end time. Newly created discounts made in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool cannot run beyond December 31, 2024. On January 1, 2025, you'll no longer be able to create new discounts in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool.
To create a price discount, follow these steps:
Note that primary users of your account have access to Price Discounts by default. To grant access to secondary users, the primary user must go to Global User Permissions, select Manage rights for the secondary user, and enable View only or View & edit permissions.
For more information, go to the Price discounts help page.
We've simplified the creation and management of discounts, by integrating Prime-exclusive discounts into the Price Discounts tool.
As part of this integration, the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will be removed from Seller Central on January 7, 2025.
The updated Price Discounts tool now supports both Prime-exclusive and all-customer discounts. You can easily search your catalog to add products to your promotion, manage discounts globally, and view performance metrics, all from the Price Discounts tool. There is no change to how Prime-exclusive discounts display to customers.
Any discount that you've already created in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool will run until its scheduled end time. Newly created discounts made in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool cannot run beyond December 31, 2024. On January 1, 2025, you'll no longer be able to create new discounts in the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool.
To create a price discount, follow these steps:
Note that primary users of your account have access to Price Discounts by default. To grant access to secondary users, the primary user must go to Global User Permissions, select Manage rights for the secondary user, and enable View only or View & edit permissions.
For more information, go to the Price discounts help page.
Would you please enable bulk uploads for Price Discount? This will really help us as sellers as we used the bulk feature with the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool often and currently Price Discount does not have a bulk upload feature.
Thank you, we appreciate you all and Happy Holidays.
The fact that Amazon released this without a bulk upload template is more proof of how horribly run 99% of their development is. Completely insane to expect professional sellers to be manually searching and editing data on 500+ ASINs. That was one of the simplistic beauties of the old tool...
Also, why in the world are we being restricted by the SKU "Minimum Price" when attempting to create a sale. By creating the sale, we are quite literally telling Amazon what our new desired Minimum Price is. Having to manually go search each SKU and drop the Minimum Price in order to even set up the sale is another blatant oversight.
But as always, Amazon won't care, and it'll be up to us to figure out the most efficient means to deal with the garbage tools they churn out in order to keep operations flowing. Happy Holidays!
Price Discount tool has eligibility criteria and Prime Exclusive Discount tool Does,t have
How to Manage that?
I want Prime Exclusive Discount tool back, the Price Discounts tool is not good for Prime Exclusive Discount. I mean it is good for a discount that I can limit quantity, BUT I have to wait 6hours to start, I can't adjust discount any time, I can‘t add or remove product when running. I have to end it and start a new one after 6hours.
Just hope you can keep the old Prime Exclusive Discount tool. It is really a useful tool.
The new window is delayed too long in terms of time, taking 6 hours to start, while the Prime exclusive discount will start in 1-2 hours. This change is meaningless
I was eligible to offer Prime exclusive Discount to prime customer but now i am not eligible for price discount to run prime exclusive discount
Please bring back the old Prime Exclusive discount tool. The new one does not work for multiple reasons including:
(1) No bulk upload feature
(2) No download report feature that lists all of the errors in Excel format (i.e., reference price error, 30 day lowest price error, etc.)
Discontinuing Prime Exclusive discounts tool and forcing us to use Price Discounts without these features is frustrating. We are no longer running Prime Exclusive discounts at the moment due to these issues.
There is potential funding column. Will I be charged for the amount shown in potential funding or ti shows estimated total discount ?
Please have whoever decided to sunset the old Prime Exclusive Discounts and require us to use Price Discounts try making a Prime Exclusive Price Discount with 300 SKUs/ASINs. Have them upload everything manually (which is currently the only option), then go through each line manually to fix any errors that pop up due to pricing thresholds. It's insanely time consuming. The old Prime Exclusive Discounts UI was significantly better. The current Price Discounts UI is NOT ready for prime time. It needs a lot of work before it should be forced as the only option.
I try to setup a discount for parts of my lists, it can't not procedure and request need customer feedback 3.5+, but I have met this requirement, any other reasons?
Would you please enable bulk uploads for Price Discount? This will really help us as sellers as we used the bulk feature with the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool often and currently Price Discount does not have a bulk upload feature.
Thank you, we appreciate you all and Happy Holidays.
Would you please enable bulk uploads for Price Discount? This will really help us as sellers as we used the bulk feature with the Prime Exclusive Discounts tool often and currently Price Discount does not have a bulk upload feature.
Thank you, we appreciate you all and Happy Holidays.
The fact that Amazon released this without a bulk upload template is more proof of how horribly run 99% of their development is. Completely insane to expect professional sellers to be manually searching and editing data on 500+ ASINs. That was one of the simplistic beauties of the old tool...
Also, why in the world are we being restricted by the SKU "Minimum Price" when attempting to create a sale. By creating the sale, we are quite literally telling Amazon what our new desired Minimum Price is. Having to manually go search each SKU and drop the Minimum Price in order to even set up the sale is another blatant oversight.
But as always, Amazon won't care, and it'll be up to us to figure out the most efficient means to deal with the garbage tools they churn out in order to keep operations flowing. Happy Holidays!
The fact that Amazon released this without a bulk upload template is more proof of how horribly run 99% of their development is. Completely insane to expect professional sellers to be manually searching and editing data on 500+ ASINs. That was one of the simplistic beauties of the old tool...
Also, why in the world are we being restricted by the SKU "Minimum Price" when attempting to create a sale. By creating the sale, we are quite literally telling Amazon what our new desired Minimum Price is. Having to manually go search each SKU and drop the Minimum Price in order to even set up the sale is another blatant oversight.
But as always, Amazon won't care, and it'll be up to us to figure out the most efficient means to deal with the garbage tools they churn out in order to keep operations flowing. Happy Holidays!
Price Discount tool has eligibility criteria and Prime Exclusive Discount tool Does,t have
How to Manage that?
Price Discount tool has eligibility criteria and Prime Exclusive Discount tool Does,t have
How to Manage that?
I want Prime Exclusive Discount tool back, the Price Discounts tool is not good for Prime Exclusive Discount. I mean it is good for a discount that I can limit quantity, BUT I have to wait 6hours to start, I can't adjust discount any time, I can‘t add or remove product when running. I have to end it and start a new one after 6hours.
Just hope you can keep the old Prime Exclusive Discount tool. It is really a useful tool.
I want Prime Exclusive Discount tool back, the Price Discounts tool is not good for Prime Exclusive Discount. I mean it is good for a discount that I can limit quantity, BUT I have to wait 6hours to start, I can't adjust discount any time, I can‘t add or remove product when running. I have to end it and start a new one after 6hours.
Just hope you can keep the old Prime Exclusive Discount tool. It is really a useful tool.
The new window is delayed too long in terms of time, taking 6 hours to start, while the Prime exclusive discount will start in 1-2 hours. This change is meaningless
The new window is delayed too long in terms of time, taking 6 hours to start, while the Prime exclusive discount will start in 1-2 hours. This change is meaningless
I was eligible to offer Prime exclusive Discount to prime customer but now i am not eligible for price discount to run prime exclusive discount
I was eligible to offer Prime exclusive Discount to prime customer but now i am not eligible for price discount to run prime exclusive discount
Please bring back the old Prime Exclusive discount tool. The new one does not work for multiple reasons including:
(1) No bulk upload feature
(2) No download report feature that lists all of the errors in Excel format (i.e., reference price error, 30 day lowest price error, etc.)
Discontinuing Prime Exclusive discounts tool and forcing us to use Price Discounts without these features is frustrating. We are no longer running Prime Exclusive discounts at the moment due to these issues.
Please bring back the old Prime Exclusive discount tool. The new one does not work for multiple reasons including:
(1) No bulk upload feature
(2) No download report feature that lists all of the errors in Excel format (i.e., reference price error, 30 day lowest price error, etc.)
Discontinuing Prime Exclusive discounts tool and forcing us to use Price Discounts without these features is frustrating. We are no longer running Prime Exclusive discounts at the moment due to these issues.
There is potential funding column. Will I be charged for the amount shown in potential funding or ti shows estimated total discount ?
There is potential funding column. Will I be charged for the amount shown in potential funding or ti shows estimated total discount ?
Please have whoever decided to sunset the old Prime Exclusive Discounts and require us to use Price Discounts try making a Prime Exclusive Price Discount with 300 SKUs/ASINs. Have them upload everything manually (which is currently the only option), then go through each line manually to fix any errors that pop up due to pricing thresholds. It's insanely time consuming. The old Prime Exclusive Discounts UI was significantly better. The current Price Discounts UI is NOT ready for prime time. It needs a lot of work before it should be forced as the only option.
Please have whoever decided to sunset the old Prime Exclusive Discounts and require us to use Price Discounts try making a Prime Exclusive Price Discount with 300 SKUs/ASINs. Have them upload everything manually (which is currently the only option), then go through each line manually to fix any errors that pop up due to pricing thresholds. It's insanely time consuming. The old Prime Exclusive Discounts UI was significantly better. The current Price Discounts UI is NOT ready for prime time. It needs a lot of work before it should be forced as the only option.
I try to setup a discount for parts of my lists, it can't not procedure and request need customer feedback 3.5+, but I have met this requirement, any other reasons?
I try to setup a discount for parts of my lists, it can't not procedure and request need customer feedback 3.5+, but I have met this requirement, any other reasons?