Listings Lounge: The Book Seller’s Best Practices


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Listings Lounge: The Book Seller’s Best Practices

Hi there everyone, we’ve seen that there is a lot of desire to get better insights into the expectations and requirements when listing books so we here at the Listings Lounge want to give you the most up to date information on what you can expect when selling books.

1. Get Approved To Sell!

While some books don’t require approval to sell, there are many that do. This is generally to ensure the authenticity of products being sold on Amazon. (This is common for things like textbooks) Be sure to review the products that require approval help page to ensure you can get approved.

2. Identify Your Book!

In general Sellers must provide an ISBN, JAN, or EAN (ISBN-13s) to list a book in the Amazon catalog, however in some cases you can request an exemption if the book has no identifiers. To learn about Books ISBN Requirements please review this help page here.

3. Know Your Condition!

Depending on the condition of the books you are selling, there are different types you can choose from when listing your books. Feel free to read more about those definitions on this help page here.

4. Add Books in Bulk!

Once you are comfortable with selling and want to add more of you inventory at once you can use the Book Loader to update your offers all at once!

Just like with all Selling, there are some risks you should be aware of when selling any product and that is also true for Books. Keeping these in mind will reduce possible challenges you might face in the future:

1. Ensure you can Authenticate Your Inventory

Amazon requires all products come from valid sources that can be authenticated. If the provenance of your books can’t be traced back to the manufacturer or distributor it may be difficult to appeal or get approved to list some titles.

2. Ensure you can provide Proof of Inventory

FBA is an incredibly useful tool to move lots of different kinds of books, but it is important that it is difficult to appeal reconciliation for your products if you can’t provide proof of inventory. You can learn more about reconciling your FBA Shipment on the Reconcile your shipment help page.

Selling books can be incredibly rewarding and I hope these tips can help you be successful in your endeavors. Please share your own experiences and what you what you wish you knew when you got started selling books!

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Have a great day!


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