Account Deactivation Due to DAC7
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Account Deactivation Due to DAC7

Hello and Good Day,

Our account was deactivated due to DAC7 compliance issues almost 1 month ago.

Upon deactivation, we have provided all the information regarding DAC7 in Compliance Portal.

We reached out to account health specialists, and we were told that our Identity Information was being verified too.

We received notification requesting to verify the residency of the owner of the company, and we provided these information too.

It took more than 10 business days, and we alerted our account manager too, but no news received from Amazon's side.

Why is it taking so long? Is there a way to speed up the process?

It is a worrying process and because of that, we are running out of patience.

Thank you.

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Hello @Seller_T1Q2YKPwFSL9O,

I am Gala and I'd love to help you with your account issue.

I am so sorry to hear that your account has been deactivated due to DAC7 Compliance.

I completely understand your frustration about the long verification process, nevertheless I'd suggest to write to the according team directly an E-mail if you have a their E-Mail address and ask for an update.

Please feel free as well to reach out to the Account Health Support team through your Account Health Dashboard under the ''Call Me Now'' Button. The times are from 9 AM CET to 5 PM CET.

They can guide you through the reactivation process as they have more insight on the account.

Please don't hesitate to keep us updated.

Kindest regards,


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