Read onlyI know this has been brought up before, but is there any way to dispute USPS Shipping Adjustments purchased through Amazon Shipping?
I have been getting 100+ each month now, when I know they are weighed properly. On other sites I print and ship on I have been having about 2-3 a month. The other sites have all the information to dispute them, but I cannot find anywhere with Amazon.
Can anyone help?
Hello @Seller_OlUqsvYYAmrkp
If you want to dispute carrier adjustments, those requests must be submitted to seller support. I recommend including photos and product/package information that matches your dispute claim and supports the original label information.
Carrier shipping correction charges
Keep in mind even if you file these disputes with seller support Amazon usually goes by the specifications and dimensions listed on the ASIN and not the dimensions entered when purchasing shipping. Not to discourage you but we have filed a handful of these before for UPS shipments and never received a credit back in our favor so far. However since you have hundreds of adjustments you may want to try. There are also now phantom adjustments listed under " Other" with no explanation which have been raised on the forums recently and suspected to also be related to some sort of shipping adjustment such as a holiday surcharge etc.
Amazon deliberately does NOT notify you of shipping "adjustments" until after its too late to dispute them.
We have been lucky that all of our adjustments have been for paying too much postage resulting in a refund of the over payments. Just add an ounce or 2 to the actual package weight. Also we have every single package hand weighed at the counter and get a receipt showing the actual acceptance weight.
The only problems we have had is when an Amazon "customer" return an items and stick the Ground Advantage label on a Priority Mailing Box. Then we get hit with the "adjustment". Seller support (as are the mods) are jokes.
Hello @Seller_HDjh6LAe12uyI Carrier adjustment disputes must be submitted to Amazon seller support. If the adjustment was due to a difference between the original label information and the carrier-audited dimensions/weight, I recommend including photos and product information that support the original label details. Amazon can use ASIN details in its investigation.
Amazon deliberately does NOT notify you of shipping "adjustments" until after its too late to dispute them.
There is no strict deadline to dispute carrier adjustments, though it can be difficult to access information after long periods of time.