FCC ID does not pertain to my items - but every other month we have to fight and submit over and over its an error on their bots.
This product has been identified as a radio frequency (RF) device product with an invalid entry in the fcc_radio_ frequency_emission_compliance attribute. For instructions on how to submit an FCC ID to the fcc_radio_frequency_emission_compliance attribute for your listing, please see https://sellercentral.amazon.com/help/hub/reference/4SMR4GXQ3PYD8BK?ref=efph_4SMR4GXQ3PYD8BK_cont_51&locale=en_US.
- Amazon Needs Instructions on WHAT a RF (radio frequency device) is.
- Just because the wording "Radio" is in description or title (being used as identifying properties) - does NOT automatically make it a Radio Emitting device.
- Phones Need Charging cables, (the phone has FCC_ID capabilities), not the phone charger; and every phone charger needs to have title of what type of phone this charger works with.
- Amazon claims they care about their buyers however, they are losing items everyday to other ecommerce sites, because customers are needing these (NON EMITTING) items, that Amazon AI BOTs have removed, and finding them elsewhere.
- A wire, or plastic dash kit or antenna connector, (HAS NO ELECTRONICS) they are just flagging titles of listings, that have radio in the title. The image the description is completely ignored, this is becoming annoying. (Nothing has changed, nothing has been fixed)
Amazon AI bots keep flagging FCC_ID rules, RF emitting signals, which are bare wires, plastic dash kits, Antenna Plugs (its incredible, we do not sell radios, we sell wire connectors for radios, but your AI BOTS cannot figure that out the difference, it says radio in the title, it must be a radio!) AI should be used for spell checking, not going on a cannibalization spree.
Question for ALL AMAZON MODS - How would you sell phone chargers here on Amazon? - Every single phone needs a wired charge plug, that connects to the Phone, (the device with FCC_ID is the phone) - But the wired charging cables, like ours are just wires, they emit nothing, transmit nothing, they have no electronics what-so ever, they are just wires and plugs - its time consuming, and annoying, and customers are going elsewhere.
-The time wasted to keep submitting rebuttals and explaining the same thing over and over again (how these are not in Violation) - is actually costing Amazon money! (Furthermore, it doesnt even make sence, some are re-instated and others are not same everything, exact description, in bulk ASIN - there is no standard.
- The SEEDs debacle; on a much larger scale, is something (many sellers had to endure) during the 4th of July holiday). This is the same thing basically, just a rogue bot, that does not understand the items being sold. (NOT ALL RADIO PARTS emit RF signals) Most actually do not! - (there needs to be some kind of human to regulate this).
I was under the impression Amazon was concerned for their buyers, however,.. buyers are asking me where some parts have gone, they are going to other places to find what use to be listed correctly, now are dog-pages. (thats Ruff