Read onlyI had a FBA customer request a refund under the reason "Product Not as Described" and opened up a live chat to find out more information. The reason why the customer stated the product was not as described is extremely important and will be used prevent this issue from happening again. Unfortunately, seller support is beyond useless and rude as a...
When I politely requested the reason given by the customer to amazon customer support they said I have to wait 60 days to open an investigation. I told them I wasnt requesting an investigation I was just requesting clarification on the reason for the refund. The support rep named "Pandey" was extremely rude and refused to help me. I requested his full name so I could report his behavior his just ended the chat.
Buyers do not have to say why something was not as described, and it's not in seller support's handbook to provide that information to you (since it usually doesn't exist).
When we get a 'not as described' we will sometimes message the customer and say something to the effect of -- sorry you didn't get what you expected, we're always trying to make sure our listings accurately show what a customer is purchasing. What did you expect vs what did you get?
Probably 10% of the time, the customer answers. Usually the answer is, it was damaged in transit, for which we apologize and thank them for the information.
We only message the customer once. If they don't respond, we move on.
Thanks for reaching out to Amazon Forums. I'm sorry you had a bad experience. Our seller support team is always available to help you with whatever you need. @Seller_z3XfkorVSmnEY has provided good information. I wish you well selling on Amazon.