A-to-Z Claim Granted Despite Evidence & Buyer Manipulation (Order #112-6172060-8757826)
We are requesting moderator escalation for an A-to-Z claim that was granted unfairly despite clear evidence proving the package was shipped correctly. The buyer claimed the package was received empty. We provided the A-to-Z team with the UPS weight scan confirming the correct weight at their facilities. The appeal was denied without addressing our evidence.
Summary of Events:
03/12: Buyer claimed the package was received empty and accused us of fraud and scams in his first messages. His initial contact came via Amazon Customer Service, and his excessive temperament and accusatory language suggested an attempt to pressure a quick refund by putting customer service into a panicked state.
03/13: We opened a UPS investigation and asked the buyer to retain packaging materials for inspection.
03/13: Buyer stated that the box was destroyed and burned along with his trash on the night of delivery.
03/14: Buyer filed an A-to-Z claim, maintaining that the package was empty.
03/14: Amazon withdrew the A-to-Z claim, stating we should only refund if a return is received.
03/14: Buyer somehow got UPS to generate a return tracking number and had UPS update the original tracking to state the package was "refused and returning to sender."
03/15:The A-to-Z claim was reopened and granted immediately, saying "In this case, the customer reported an issue with the delivery and the tracking information that you provided shows that the package was refused by the customer."
03/15: We appealed, providing UPS's official weight scan confirmation (3.2 lbs), proving the package was not empty when shipped. At the time of the appeal, we did not notice the recent updates to the tracking which reflected that the "package was refused by the customer"
03/15 (later): Amazon denied our appeal, still citing that the package was refused.
Key Issues & Evidence:
✅ Buyer had possession of the package for days. He never refused it—he claimed it was empty.
✅ Amazon’s denial is based on a delivery refusal that never happened.
✅ We have photos of the package before shipment.
✅ We provided UPS documentation proving the package weighed 3.2 lbs at acceptance, matching the item + packaging weight.
✅ The order was “Claims Protected".
✅ Return tracking hasn’t moved since being generated. The buyer previously stated:
✅ Buyer ignored the UPS claim process and showed no interest in resolving the matter.
Concerns & Request:
We request moderator intervention in order to get reimbursed for this.
Any assistance is appreciated!
This is my standard template. Use what fits and REPORT, REPORT, REPORT!
I don't have a solution for Amazon allowing theft and fraud BUT if this was shipped using the USPS please report the issue to the Postal Inspectors as mail fraud. If not, report it to the carrier.
ALSO the Government has a site IC3 (Amazon will remove the link if I put it here but it’s part of the FBI for an easy search) where you can report the use of the internet for theft if it was UPS, FedEx or whatever. It is generally used to report on websites but it can be used to report buyers as well if you happen to encounter one of the Amazon scam crowd.
In all cases it at least puts the con artists into a data base for future reference by the authorities.
There's an OLD saying -- If you aren't part of the solution you are part of the problem.
And, DO NOT forget the Police Department where you are, as well as where the 'buyer' is!
Wow, you're dealing with a seasoned fraudster who knows exactly what to do to get their A-Z Claim auto granted.
This is mail fraud and to a higher degree than normal, update us with what you recieve back (an empty box I assume).
Amazon will not take any action against this scam artist, but UPS and USPS will. As soon as a package crosses state lines the USPS and their postal inspectors can be activated (even if their service was not used).
Based on this fraudsters actions and their understanding of the refund system, they have done this many, many times before. Open some cases with UPS and USPS. They likely have some reports against this person already.
Thanks for adding all these details. I'll go ahead and escalate to our internal partners.