I am an authorized reseller of a brand that is just starting on amazon. They are registered for brand registry and has 3 products that are different flavors of each other. One of the flavors is a variety pack. For some reason the Variety Pack is under Product Type Tea while the other two are under BEVERAGE. Mind you they are at the moment three separate listings and not a variation. I tried making them a variation but the different product types is not letting me. I tried changing product type but when I select a different one it doesn't update. I tried getting the brand owner to change it but it says they are not approved for their OWN product??? What can I do I tried seller support it was no help. I'm going to try updating using an excel file upload but I doubt it works.
Also the brand owner wants all three in Herbal Supplements instead of BEVERAGE like their competitors. What's my best bet to try to change all three to herbal supps or just change the one too BEVERAGE.
Also if I can't change it at all I tried recreating the listing with a new ASIN but the UPC is tied to the ASIN already. Anyway to remove this as they cant get a new UPC. Do I create the copy listing for all 3 without a UPC and just hope that when this brand grows that seller support will be cooperative in helping remove the UPC from old ASIN and add it the the new one.
I'm confused on what's my best option.
Hello @Seller_4BDLmsLhvFakz,
Thanks for posting here. Have you tried to follow the steps that were advised in case 17008555781?
It's not possible to remove a UPC from an ASIN.
- Manny