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How is your Black Friday going?


Black Friday is here!

How is the event going so far? Any surprises in what customers are buying? What is selling best for you?

On the flip side, have you bought anything for yourself?

Share your Black Friday stories below!

69 replies
Tags:Engage with Amazon
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How is your Black Friday going?


Black Friday is here!

How is the event going so far? Any surprises in what customers are buying? What is selling best for you?

On the flip side, have you bought anything for yourself?

Share your Black Friday stories below!

Tags:Engage with Amazon
69 replies
69 replies
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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

No Danny, it is NOT a good Black Friday. Maybe if Amazon hadn't changed it's search algorithms as to where the only way to be found is to pay an insane amount on pay per click, it would be a better one. Maybe if we could be found organically like we USED to, it would be a good Black Friday. Maybe if we didn't have to pay 50 to 60% of sales in fees to Amazon, it would be a good Black Friday. It's downright insane how either out of touch Amazon is or that they just downright don't care.

Run a good discount through a coupon......Sure!...but we're going to charge you for that! On an already discounted product.

Want to be seen in search......Sure!.... but we're going to take 60% of your sales.

This site needs a huge and COMPLETE overhaul. The Amazon of just a few years ago is turning in it's grave.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

It is no longer any Black Friday for us and will never be in the near future. Good Black Friday sales was 8-10 years ago when our sales were non stop. Now it is no longer an attractive period for us as we pretty much get 1/10 of the sales we used to get 10 years ago for the same reasons imagineotters2 mentioned correctly (higher fees, search algorithms etc) plus competition that is now out of control.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Very soft start. I'm controlling ad spend this year to get more profitability out of our sales to keep our Amazon business healthy and it's definitely reflecting in sales. We compete against a LOT of China manufacturing direct sellers (many of whom knock off our products), and they are running deals at literally half our selling prices. There is no way they can be making money given the Deal fees and required discounts - how can anyone compete in the business world with competitors who can bleed out money? I'm not surprised many U.S. sellers have left the platform.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

My sales are down 40% from last year.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Amazon FBA is LOOSING more of our product than we are selling. so not so great

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Had to pull in extra staff today to handle the extra shipping.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Today doesn't feel like a selling holiday. Maybe cyber monday will treat me a little better.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

I never run BFCM sales. I just take advantage of the increased traffic which leads to additional sales. No margin for sales when you are competing with liars and cheaters in my category.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

HORRIBLE- You guys decided to change our handmade categories at the start of Q4- WHY ON EARTH would you do that?- We literally do not have categories connected in the backend of our listings- So what sales? How does a seller go from 6 figures a year for years and years...FIGHT for my organic ranking and then you have really smart engineers who destroy hundreds of thousands of handmade sellers small businesses because you want to " put our items in the regular amazon catalog" So there is no black friday. There will be NO CHRISTMAS sales. I had a shred of hope you all would have this mess cleaned up by now considering it started last year. So NO. ITS GOING HORRIBLE. And I can't even run ads because you don't have our browse nodes connected to the correct categories!

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

No surge in sales here, just a normal day. 12 years selling on Amazon and I have NEVER had a bad Black Friday until today. I am FBM and do not advertise, my margins are too tight, so of cause I get low sales on Amazon now.

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How is your Black Friday going?


Black Friday is here!

How is the event going so far? Any surprises in what customers are buying? What is selling best for you?

On the flip side, have you bought anything for yourself?

Share your Black Friday stories below!

69 replies
Tags:Engage with Amazon
user profile

How is your Black Friday going?


Black Friday is here!

How is the event going so far? Any surprises in what customers are buying? What is selling best for you?

On the flip side, have you bought anything for yourself?

Share your Black Friday stories below!

Tags:Engage with Amazon
69 replies
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How is your Black Friday going?

by Danny_Amazon


Black Friday is here!

How is the event going so far? Any surprises in what customers are buying? What is selling best for you?

On the flip side, have you bought anything for yourself?

Share your Black Friday stories below!

Tags:Engage with Amazon
69 replies
69 replies
69 replies
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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

No Danny, it is NOT a good Black Friday. Maybe if Amazon hadn't changed it's search algorithms as to where the only way to be found is to pay an insane amount on pay per click, it would be a better one. Maybe if we could be found organically like we USED to, it would be a good Black Friday. Maybe if we didn't have to pay 50 to 60% of sales in fees to Amazon, it would be a good Black Friday. It's downright insane how either out of touch Amazon is or that they just downright don't care.

Run a good discount through a coupon......Sure!...but we're going to charge you for that! On an already discounted product.

Want to be seen in search......Sure!.... but we're going to take 60% of your sales.

This site needs a huge and COMPLETE overhaul. The Amazon of just a few years ago is turning in it's grave.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

It is no longer any Black Friday for us and will never be in the near future. Good Black Friday sales was 8-10 years ago when our sales were non stop. Now it is no longer an attractive period for us as we pretty much get 1/10 of the sales we used to get 10 years ago for the same reasons imagineotters2 mentioned correctly (higher fees, search algorithms etc) plus competition that is now out of control.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Very soft start. I'm controlling ad spend this year to get more profitability out of our sales to keep our Amazon business healthy and it's definitely reflecting in sales. We compete against a LOT of China manufacturing direct sellers (many of whom knock off our products), and they are running deals at literally half our selling prices. There is no way they can be making money given the Deal fees and required discounts - how can anyone compete in the business world with competitors who can bleed out money? I'm not surprised many U.S. sellers have left the platform.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

My sales are down 40% from last year.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Amazon FBA is LOOSING more of our product than we are selling. so not so great

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Had to pull in extra staff today to handle the extra shipping.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Today doesn't feel like a selling holiday. Maybe cyber monday will treat me a little better.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

I never run BFCM sales. I just take advantage of the increased traffic which leads to additional sales. No margin for sales when you are competing with liars and cheaters in my category.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

HORRIBLE- You guys decided to change our handmade categories at the start of Q4- WHY ON EARTH would you do that?- We literally do not have categories connected in the backend of our listings- So what sales? How does a seller go from 6 figures a year for years and years...FIGHT for my organic ranking and then you have really smart engineers who destroy hundreds of thousands of handmade sellers small businesses because you want to " put our items in the regular amazon catalog" So there is no black friday. There will be NO CHRISTMAS sales. I had a shred of hope you all would have this mess cleaned up by now considering it started last year. So NO. ITS GOING HORRIBLE. And I can't even run ads because you don't have our browse nodes connected to the correct categories!

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

No surge in sales here, just a normal day. 12 years selling on Amazon and I have NEVER had a bad Black Friday until today. I am FBM and do not advertise, my margins are too tight, so of cause I get low sales on Amazon now.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

No Danny, it is NOT a good Black Friday. Maybe if Amazon hadn't changed it's search algorithms as to where the only way to be found is to pay an insane amount on pay per click, it would be a better one. Maybe if we could be found organically like we USED to, it would be a good Black Friday. Maybe if we didn't have to pay 50 to 60% of sales in fees to Amazon, it would be a good Black Friday. It's downright insane how either out of touch Amazon is or that they just downright don't care.

Run a good discount through a coupon......Sure!...but we're going to charge you for that! On an already discounted product.

Want to be seen in search......Sure!.... but we're going to take 60% of your sales.

This site needs a huge and COMPLETE overhaul. The Amazon of just a few years ago is turning in it's grave.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

No Danny, it is NOT a good Black Friday. Maybe if Amazon hadn't changed it's search algorithms as to where the only way to be found is to pay an insane amount on pay per click, it would be a better one. Maybe if we could be found organically like we USED to, it would be a good Black Friday. Maybe if we didn't have to pay 50 to 60% of sales in fees to Amazon, it would be a good Black Friday. It's downright insane how either out of touch Amazon is or that they just downright don't care.

Run a good discount through a coupon......Sure!...but we're going to charge you for that! On an already discounted product.

Want to be seen in search......Sure!.... but we're going to take 60% of your sales.

This site needs a huge and COMPLETE overhaul. The Amazon of just a few years ago is turning in it's grave.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

It is no longer any Black Friday for us and will never be in the near future. Good Black Friday sales was 8-10 years ago when our sales were non stop. Now it is no longer an attractive period for us as we pretty much get 1/10 of the sales we used to get 10 years ago for the same reasons imagineotters2 mentioned correctly (higher fees, search algorithms etc) plus competition that is now out of control.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

It is no longer any Black Friday for us and will never be in the near future. Good Black Friday sales was 8-10 years ago when our sales were non stop. Now it is no longer an attractive period for us as we pretty much get 1/10 of the sales we used to get 10 years ago for the same reasons imagineotters2 mentioned correctly (higher fees, search algorithms etc) plus competition that is now out of control.

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In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Very soft start. I'm controlling ad spend this year to get more profitability out of our sales to keep our Amazon business healthy and it's definitely reflecting in sales. We compete against a LOT of China manufacturing direct sellers (many of whom knock off our products), and they are running deals at literally half our selling prices. There is no way they can be making money given the Deal fees and required discounts - how can anyone compete in the business world with competitors who can bleed out money? I'm not surprised many U.S. sellers have left the platform.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Very soft start. I'm controlling ad spend this year to get more profitability out of our sales to keep our Amazon business healthy and it's definitely reflecting in sales. We compete against a LOT of China manufacturing direct sellers (many of whom knock off our products), and they are running deals at literally half our selling prices. There is no way they can be making money given the Deal fees and required discounts - how can anyone compete in the business world with competitors who can bleed out money? I'm not surprised many U.S. sellers have left the platform.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

My sales are down 40% from last year.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

My sales are down 40% from last year.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Amazon FBA is LOOSING more of our product than we are selling. so not so great

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Amazon FBA is LOOSING more of our product than we are selling. so not so great

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Had to pull in extra staff today to handle the extra shipping.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Had to pull in extra staff today to handle the extra shipping.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Today doesn't feel like a selling holiday. Maybe cyber monday will treat me a little better.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

Today doesn't feel like a selling holiday. Maybe cyber monday will treat me a little better.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

I never run BFCM sales. I just take advantage of the increased traffic which leads to additional sales. No margin for sales when you are competing with liars and cheaters in my category.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

I never run BFCM sales. I just take advantage of the increased traffic which leads to additional sales. No margin for sales when you are competing with liars and cheaters in my category.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

HORRIBLE- You guys decided to change our handmade categories at the start of Q4- WHY ON EARTH would you do that?- We literally do not have categories connected in the backend of our listings- So what sales? How does a seller go from 6 figures a year for years and years...FIGHT for my organic ranking and then you have really smart engineers who destroy hundreds of thousands of handmade sellers small businesses because you want to " put our items in the regular amazon catalog" So there is no black friday. There will be NO CHRISTMAS sales. I had a shred of hope you all would have this mess cleaned up by now considering it started last year. So NO. ITS GOING HORRIBLE. And I can't even run ads because you don't have our browse nodes connected to the correct categories!

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

HORRIBLE- You guys decided to change our handmade categories at the start of Q4- WHY ON EARTH would you do that?- We literally do not have categories connected in the backend of our listings- So what sales? How does a seller go from 6 figures a year for years and years...FIGHT for my organic ranking and then you have really smart engineers who destroy hundreds of thousands of handmade sellers small businesses because you want to " put our items in the regular amazon catalog" So there is no black friday. There will be NO CHRISTMAS sales. I had a shred of hope you all would have this mess cleaned up by now considering it started last year. So NO. ITS GOING HORRIBLE. And I can't even run ads because you don't have our browse nodes connected to the correct categories!

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

No surge in sales here, just a normal day. 12 years selling on Amazon and I have NEVER had a bad Black Friday until today. I am FBM and do not advertise, my margins are too tight, so of cause I get low sales on Amazon now.

user profile
In reply to: Danny_Amazon's post

No surge in sales here, just a normal day. 12 years selling on Amazon and I have NEVER had a bad Black Friday until today. I am FBM and do not advertise, my margins are too tight, so of cause I get low sales on Amazon now.


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