Buy Shipping Problem?
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Buy Shipping Problem?

I see the following when I go to Buy Shipping for an order.


The "tile" shows $9.84, while "total delivery charge" is $7.04. I've done this a couple of times today (USPS should be an option, but isn't; I'm trying it over and over again to see if it gets fixed). One time it shows $7.04, next time an hour or so later, it shows $9.84. Change the weight to 3 lbs, and it shows $7.04.

Anyone else havign odd problems like this?

@SEAmodAny help on this?

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Order offers only UPS for PO Box Delivery

Hello @Seller_iKDvjr9hWfML4 I followed up with you in your related thread, linked above.

I shared these details with our partner team for their review.

If you have a package that is facing a deadline, one option is to purchase shipping outside of Buy Shipping and enter the information here.

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