Policy Violation: Copyright infringement, Used book how to appeal?
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Policy Violation: Copyright infringement, Used book how to appeal?

MF book seller 17 years. Received this threat of deactivation yesterday re a used book in my inventory (listed 5 years ago). ASIN B01N9SAH5H

No idea how to appeal as I can't figure out why a used book is subject to copyright infringement? The compliant originated from the publisher Taschen not the artist.

So obviously I would delete the listing, never list Taschen again, not sure how detailed the response has to be?

Thanks in advance for any help, want to try to do the appeal correctly.

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Tags:Product authenticity
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Hi @Seller_nEycFDADHIVcD,

I understand your concern about the copyright claim on your used book. The good news is that the help pages specifically address this situation!

Under "FAQ about Copyrights" here, Amazon confirms that the "first sale doctrine" protects sellers like you: "If you decide to sell a used copy of someone else's book on Amazon, you are usually allowed to sell your particular copy of the book without further permission from the copyright owner."

You can submit a DMCA counter-notice through Account Health > Policy Compliance > Received Intellectual Property Complaints. The full process is outlined here. Your counter-notice should include:

  • Details about your listing (ASIN B01N9SAH5H)
  • A statement that you believe the removal was a mistake (citing the first sale doctrine)
  • Your contact information
  • A jurisdiction statement (the help page provides the exact wording)
  • Your signature (you can type it as "/s/ Your Name")

Just keep in mind that all statements must be accurate, as false statements could have legal consequences. Once submitted, Amazon will forward your counter-notice to Taschen. If they don't take legal action within 10 days, your listing should be reinstated.

Hope this helps!

Best regards, Michael

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