GPSR - manual update - regulatory compliance
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GPSR - manual update - regulatory compliance

Good morning:

Once we have already registered the brand and in turn the responsible person added to the regulatory compliance, we would still need to upload the information required for all our ASINs.

We are going to add the complete information in the manuals.

Has anyone already done this? Where do you upload the user manuals?

In the template under ‘Upload compliance documents en bloc’ only 3 ASINs appear, we want to upload all the information reactively, we want to go ahead and upload all the manuals.

Where would this be done and how?

Thank you very much,

Best regards!

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Hi @Seller_oMUe8Eh68s05m,

responsible person and manufacturer are able to be provided in bulk via the brand. Product safety information and manuals have to be uploaded per item.

Best Regards


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